Friday, May 24, 2013

Paris Independent Bikers Memorial Day event

Looking forward to riding in with the group in the morning for this 4th annual event at the Love Civic Center. May head south a little later to meet a friend for dinner and drinks. Hoping the rain stays away and its good riding weather!!

Had an average week of massages but I love the feedback and thanks I get for helping someone relax or working out some knots and tightness for them. Its funny when past girlfriends asked for massage how light my touch was before I actually enrolled in school. I had a lady today tell me she can feel the caring and unselfishness through my hands and she seemed shocked when I told her how selfish i used to be. I am so glad those days are behind me now and looking forward to a brighter future!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Smile already, slow burning fires and singles night

It just breaks my heart to see someone who has such a beautiful smile not use it. It seems like this person is mad at the world. Praying for her. :)
Sin is like a slow burning fire. I had a dead tree fall along a fencerow recently and instead of cutting it up and piling it up to burn I decided to just burn it where it fell. As I watched the embers slowly burning this once mighty tree , I couldn't help but think this is how sin does us. It gets a tiny toe hold and slowly but surely invades every aspect of our lives until we are just ashes.
Last Sunday was my first time to meet with our singles group in Denton. Brian Hackney had some encouraging words for us and I did get to chat with a few ladies there. Looking forward to next Sunday and getting to know some more people. We had a pretty good day in the Garage and Loft. God is still opening doors for me and giving me the courage to step through them. I am so blessed to get to work with the kiddos each week and their hugs and just the hang out time is such a huge part of my week. I cannot imagine NOT being in there with them. Thank you Jesus!

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

My kids amaze me

Sunday morning we were in small groups and I loaned my phone to one of my kids so she could look up Bible verses. I almost forgot she had my phone when we were done haha. I did not notice it until later that night at work but as she had my phone she decided to put a sticker on it for me. I was at work and pulled my phone out and felt something on the back of the phone and what a sweet surprise to see an " I Love You" sticker attached. I am so blessed to get to share part of my Sunday mornings with these awesome and loving kiddos. After service was done we (volunteers and leaders) were to meet up at RG Burgers in Denton for lunch. These lunches are soooo much fun getting to hang out with some wonderful teens and adults. I wish we could do it more often. I look forward to them each month. I am also looking forward to Sports camp in July for a week with my kids!!

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Friday, May 03, 2013

I should be on da beach right now...

I had originally planned to be hanging out in Panama City Beach with my friends Leigh, Willi and Robin and a few others this weekend. I decided to change these plans due to weather issues (motorcycle and cool rain is not that fun). I am looking forward to Sunday with my church family and bonus time at RG Burgers in Denton with my other Loft and Garage volunteers :)