Monday, January 30, 2012

Great Sunday

Had a really nice Sunday at Cross Timbers, starting with a very nice service and another great message from Bro Toby, followed by a welcome class. I do feel its time for me to start getting to know more people there at the church and i have offered to work with the youth or as a greeter or however God can use me. I really am feeling more blessed than normal here lately and am indeed on the verge of a really big breakthrough! I have paid off my truck, shop, and several other creditors clearing up about $1000 a month less in bills i have to pay and have resisted the urge to add new debt to replace it. I really feel I am learning to live right not just selfishly as I have in the past. Its about doing what God wants of me and not what Brad wants. Anyone who knows me knows that not an easy thing for me to say.
