Playing in my dreams and then...
Coincidence? This week has been full of them if you believe in the concept. First off I was at Half Price Books looking in the Christian section and found a few gems to purchase but also I take time to look at the Bibles usually when I'm there. I picked one to check out and immediately thought " I bet Kaylie would love this one". No clue why that immediately crossed my mind just like it was 2009 again but it did. Later the same night as I slept I had some fun/crazy dreams and there she was but not the young Kaylie I knew but the teenager and we were playing basketball and talking cars and it was so natural like it was a replay of something that actually had happened. So out of the blue I decide to just peek in at her FB page and lo and behold she had just posted a pic of the three of y'all that I took at Indian Time cabin for your birthday weekend. Of all pics she would post why that pic and why now just about same time she was so heavy on my mind. Btw that was a pretty bad birthday cake. I think we need another shot. How about it? That would give me 6+ months to practice :). LUMUWUNU