Monday, December 07, 2009


1. For everlasting time; eternally:
2. At all times; incessantly

Forever is a word used all to often to mean "for now" or "until something better comes along". I have overused the word myself many times. I have told a girlfriend before that I will love them forever....and to a point I have. Very few people I have dated do I not get along with still. Theres a few I never made contact with after a breakup but theres also a few I am very good friends with now despite it being an ugly situation at the time. I can be intense. I can be blunt. I can lash out and hurt you. I am human.

I want a lasting relationship.....I want FOREVER. I know its not enough just to WANT it , one has to put in the hard time to achieve it. I have not been good at this because in those hard times the devil takes over my mind and my mouth. I say things to hurt.........I withdraw emotionally........I don't stop loving but its hard to tell. I know in the whole scheme of things that I am where God wants me to be right at this moment. I am doing exactly as God has planned for me to do. I cannot change the end result of what God has in store for me. I CAN pray that he delivers me what I desire. I CAN strive to make myself a better person both inside and out. I CAN be the man she AND God want me to be. I WILL be the man I need to be!!


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