Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Heat wave, backward steps, and horoscope for today

Well I guess this is our first real heat wave of the year. Its 1am as I start to type this (one-handed for an entirely new reason) and the temperature is STILL 86. I have not gotten used to this damned cast and sleep is kinda tricky. I seem to be fine sleeping a few hours here and there but then again what else do I have to do lol. I have walked an average of 6 miles a day since I got it put on Monday morning. Surely that will help my weight loss. I had set my July 31 goal at 211 pounds but had a bit of a gain after the keg/burnout/tresspassing on government land party a few weeks ago. Funny how 20 lbs or so of beer can hinder ones weight loss scheme....who'd a thunk it?

I am in the process of exploring the temporary housing idea until I can get my house built. A sort of step back in order to proceed forward. I looked at a small portable building Monday that was finished out like a cabin and set up was $12900 so not too bad and its something I can use later on as a game room/hobby shop. The other alternative I have looked into thus far is a travel trailer. With this idea, I would have something to take to the mountains....or to the lake.....but I got to thinking how much I have made fun of these people who "get away with all the conveniences of home" and have about talked myself out of this idea. The project for tomorrow is to get some bids on building a shop with enough room for an apartment along one side. This is the idea I like best and I feel like I can get one done for around $20k or less finished decently for a 30x40 size. The bathroom would always come in handy while working on my many projects and the bedroom would make a great storage area after the house is built. I did call one of the more reputable builders of this type shops last night and left a message so maybe I will hear something in the morning.
Since I am bored I will share todays horoscope with you.....your lucky day right? Kinda ironic actually after a post I did last week but here it is according to Astrology.com (still a Baptist and still doing this for S&G's lol)

Nobody is an island -- it's an obvious statement to say that you need relationships to get you through life. Other people provide the acid to your base, and can often be a perfect sounding board for your ideas. But in order to make the deep connections you need for total honesty, you must develop trust. The only way to do this is to take a risk and let someone in. So reach out today -- lower your drawbridge and invite someone to cross your moat
Ok who the hell is yelling outside my castle walls now? Who goes there I say, identify thyself.

Henrique....errrr I mean Brad


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is i, a rare Gem indeed
precious for all the world to see...
its not a moat silly boy, only the Red..
best of luck on ur housing, build ur walls tall and strong, just dont forget to have a doorway, one day u will need it....luvs ya

4:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

aw after thought, damn enter button gets me every time..."Make it too tough for the enemy to get in and you can't get out."

4:10 AM  
Blogger Robyn said...

Just so you know... if you take a travel trailer camping I'll make fun of you. ;)

6:56 AM  

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