Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Welcome a new blogger......

A good friend of mine has just started her own blog. Ok she has one post so far but she technically has started haha. Stop by and show RKT some love and offer any encoraging words you might have. Shes a wonderful person and I am sure she will have some good blogs in the near future.........right RKT? Wake up over there (btw she works the night shift like myself haha)
Rain rain and more rain this morning. We needed some rain but it seemed to falling a bit too fast this morning. Coming around the loop there was sooooo many drains not being able to keep up with the huge amounts of water falling. This has definitely been one of the wettest summers I can recall for some time now but being a Texan I am definitely not going to complain. As far as I know we have not even reached 100 degrees yet which is almost unheard of for nearly August. And the bugs are everywhere...crickets, mosquitos........but i am not going to complain a bit.........ok maybe a little haha.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Breazy's tag finally returned and my blue walls finally

Breazy tagged me a while back......is there a time limit to where one does not have to honor the tag? Just kidding!!

First, the covenant:
1. We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.
2. Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. ( I will cheat hereand say do it if you like lol)
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Okay, eight random things about me:

1. I love trucks. I have owned probably close to 50 vehicles in my life and I would conservatively bet at least 85% of them have been trucks or SUVs. I like them lowered, raised, restored, or just in pieces haha. I own bits and pieces of 9 trucks right now and will be heading down south to get another sometime next month. I dont need them but I cannot stop myself from buying more lol

2. I dont mind pain but cannot stand an ache. I would much rather have a broken arm than a aching leg or arm or even a headache. A toothache? Just shoot me please.

3. Ever notice how you can get used to hearing from someone each and every day and you may not realize it but if you dont hear from that person you may not realize it but something just seems amiss? I get this way often.

4. I could spend half a day walking around Lowes

5. I walk a lot.....at work I have about a half mile walk from where I park to where I clock in. Then when I get off work, another half mile trek back to the truck. Then a lot of times I go change clothes and walk 3 miles (jogging it sometimes) and then late in the evenings I take Jazzy (my doberman) for a walk of anywhere from 1-2 miles.

6. I pick up on things much faster than most people. I get bored easily because of this at work.

7. I live on land I played on as a kid. I used to toss a baseball into the air and swing with all my might and go chase it down and continue this for hours on this land. I cannot tell you how many world series games I won as a kid with a single swing of the bat. Reggie Jackson used to call me for batting tips........ok he didnt really.......

8. Since I am a non-conformist I refuse to do 8 things..........if you wanna do this then do it but no tags will be passed out haha
Wanna see a smart dog? Jillie's dog was kind enough to step in and post an update for her. To be honest I think the dogs spelling was a bit better than we normally get from her but don't tell her I said that. Then again with the dog we dont get classic posts such as her "depends" blog.....that was interesting.....insert worried look here.
Several months ago now I promised pics of my blue walls..............walls I said clearly so stop snickering............I still hear you !!!!! I took this before heading off to church a few sundays ago

Friday, July 13, 2007

More than a swim? *edited*

I again have been very lazy in my blogging “chores” but that’s just how blogging had become to me for a while….a chore. I felt like the blog was turning into a online diary of sorts and while there will still be some of that I will try to share some more of my creativity. I have taken some pics I will be sharing soon. I have some written works that might be shown soon but today ……well not sure if you could consider this a “letter”…maybe a “story” …..its just a small glimpse of the workings of this very odd at times mind I have. I will share a brief update on whats going on around here though. I have as always been working too much but still experiencing life. I have had a few dates with some lovely ladies recently. Met an old friend for breakfast not long ago and last weekend she cooked a nice dinner for me and we just sat on the couch chatting and watching TV. Twas a very relaxing evening indeed. I did come home this morning to be face to face with a coyote right by the shop/house. He was obviously right next to it when I drove up and he had ran out a ways and was turned watching me as I went to the door. I wish I had my camera ready and close by but it was in the Yukon and our brief staredown ended too quickly and he turned tail and headed towards the creek bottoms and their sanctity. I am guessing I was within 30 yards of him …….its so nice to sit outside in the evenings and hear the call of these “pests” for lack of a better word. There are indeed many around me.


Some people say their love is like a river, ever flowing. Mine is like a huge lake. I seem to have the occasional person seeking recreation in my loving waters but little do they realize the depths of this lake they swim in. Just as the iceberg hides its sheer size under the oceans surface, my love is the same way. I enjoy the company of the occasional swimmer, boater, picnicker ……enjoy the fact they find my loving waters to be worth visiting, but I long for the one who will stay after the others have gone and stand at the waters edge and wonder just how much is there. One who will ride the waves when things get turbulent and flow downstream with me when my love escapes the boundries. Just as a deep lake or ocean hides danger in its depth, my heart hides many things as well. But a lake or ocean also hides many beautiful things most never see…..beauty abounding in the depths of these waters are as the love that abounds deep in my heart. I have hid them so many years now only giving glimpses here and there but now I feel the constant nagging to find the one who will explore my waters. Please don’t fear the danger you feel is lurking beneath the surface but instead look at the joyous times that can be shared.

Hope everyone is doing well and sorry I don’t make it by your blogs as much as I used to. Summer is a busy time for me plus this dialup connection really slows a lot of that type stuff down so much.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Annual burnout party/kegger

We had our annual burnout/keg party last night and while I do not have pics ready to post I will go ahead and say it was another very good turnout and fun was in abundance. My favoite friends Russell and Dusty were in from Tyler again and brought along Cory and Stephanie and David from Garland (near Dallas) showed up in his beautiful 1986 Grand Naional. I had to leave the party early in order to come to work (where I am now blogging lol) but I can say this......all in attendance had plenty of beer and snacks and there was plenty of good fellowship and camradrie going round. There was a very small sprinkling of rain and a lot of fairly nearby lightning but nothing deterred the festivities. Not even a HUGE amount of very large tiger striped mosquitos even though some people will have sore arms from swatting at these annoying beasts all night. I am sure my ankles will look really nice after all the hits they took haha.

I will be updating the blog with some pics of this now annual event as soon as I can get them uploaded. Seems I work too much (but learning to play around even though I am still working all the time lol) but I shall attempt to get some of these beautiful cars posted to liven this place up some. Sound of crickets can only carry a blog so long right?