Friday, July 13, 2007

More than a swim? *edited*

I again have been very lazy in my blogging “chores” but that’s just how blogging had become to me for a while….a chore. I felt like the blog was turning into a online diary of sorts and while there will still be some of that I will try to share some more of my creativity. I have taken some pics I will be sharing soon. I have some written works that might be shown soon but today ……well not sure if you could consider this a “letter”…maybe a “story” …..its just a small glimpse of the workings of this very odd at times mind I have. I will share a brief update on whats going on around here though. I have as always been working too much but still experiencing life. I have had a few dates with some lovely ladies recently. Met an old friend for breakfast not long ago and last weekend she cooked a nice dinner for me and we just sat on the couch chatting and watching TV. Twas a very relaxing evening indeed. I did come home this morning to be face to face with a coyote right by the shop/house. He was obviously right next to it when I drove up and he had ran out a ways and was turned watching me as I went to the door. I wish I had my camera ready and close by but it was in the Yukon and our brief staredown ended too quickly and he turned tail and headed towards the creek bottoms and their sanctity. I am guessing I was within 30 yards of him …….its so nice to sit outside in the evenings and hear the call of these “pests” for lack of a better word. There are indeed many around me.


Some people say their love is like a river, ever flowing. Mine is like a huge lake. I seem to have the occasional person seeking recreation in my loving waters but little do they realize the depths of this lake they swim in. Just as the iceberg hides its sheer size under the oceans surface, my love is the same way. I enjoy the company of the occasional swimmer, boater, picnicker ……enjoy the fact they find my loving waters to be worth visiting, but I long for the one who will stay after the others have gone and stand at the waters edge and wonder just how much is there. One who will ride the waves when things get turbulent and flow downstream with me when my love escapes the boundries. Just as a deep lake or ocean hides danger in its depth, my heart hides many things as well. But a lake or ocean also hides many beautiful things most never see… abounding in the depths of these waters are as the love that abounds deep in my heart. I have hid them so many years now only giving glimpses here and there but now I feel the constant nagging to find the one who will explore my waters. Please don’t fear the danger you feel is lurking beneath the surface but instead look at the joyous times that can be shared.

Hope everyone is doing well and sorry I don’t make it by your blogs as much as I used to. Summer is a busy time for me plus this dialup connection really slows a lot of that type stuff down so much.


Blogger Sandi said...

Brad.. I think in time you will find the one person who wants to explore your waters. They will be a lucky person indeed.


6:27 PM  
Blogger jillie said...

I was close to a coyote out in the desert and was so mesmerized by these beautiful mystic creatures. I even gave them a bunch of my hotdogs to see if I could get them to come closer. It was a very memorable evening indeed.

I hear you about the slacking on the blog...ugh!


4:55 PM  
Blogger Robyn said...

I've been neglecting my blog lately too... but hey, it only makes you that much more interesting when you do finally get a chance to write right?

that's what I tell myself anyway. haha

Don't give up though.... one day someone will come along and all your waiting will be so worth it. =)

9:20 AM  

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