Sunday, January 20, 2008

Snap(ping) into shape, Choctaw princess and the Jamaican

I have been learning a lot about Jamaica lately. One of my employees is a native of Jamaica. He lived there until he was 19 or so and he and a brother of his moved to Florida at first in order to make money to send back home to his mother. It is amazing the every day things we take for granted that the people of Jamaica do not have or at least most of them don't. I have learned that in order to harvest bananas the banana tree must be cut down. But they grow pretty fast and for every one that is cut down two seem to sprout up. Avocados, mangos,.....all kinds of exotic fruit are common staples or Jamaican diet. Catfish ( a favorite of mine) are considered dirty and if someone sees you eating catfish they think you are very poor. We sometimes look at Jamaican websites on break. It is really interesting getting to know about some other culture from someone who lived it and now knows the "good life of the good old USA. He makes as much in one week as some people make in a month or two on the island.I will be sharing more of my "travels with Aston" in the future.....who knows I might even make a trip down that way soon.
I finally stopped by and met an online friend at her job earlier this week. She is part Mississippi Choctaw and part Cherokee. Such a charming lady she is. She works for a local Indian agency. More of my culture education. I am sure I will be learning more from this Indian princess as well.
I have joined the local Snap Fitness gym. I have been going each day since last Tuesday and basically getting a feel for all the equipment and trying to get a workout plan figured out. I will say this.....those elliptical trainers really give a great cardio workout. I started my first "real" workout this morning. Hopefully will get to where I wish to be soon as far as my conditioning.

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Blogger Breazy said...

I want to go to Jamaica! Good luck with the workout plan.

Have a great day!

1:08 PM  

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