Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Caller ID, incompetence,lazy reeking drivers, and more

So I am checking my messages on my home phone while sitting on my forklift restin....I mean working, and the last message was kinda poor quality (cell phone) and I dont have caller id. How do I handle this? I am not 100% sure who it was even although the voice sounded familiar. Should I call the one I thought it was and say "Oh I was at work when you called last night"?....I really should get caller ID on the home phone lol.
I loathe incompetence. It amazes me how lazy most Americans have become. The quality of workers my company has just brought in has GOT to be some of the worst I have ever seen. We truly are scraping the bottom of the barrel it seems. Then I look at other businesses both large and small and realize everyone wants a paycheck as long as they do not have to DO anything for it. I can be lazy sometimes.....seldom but sometimes I can. Not even being able to perform ones job because of laziness is another thing. I have seen guys use a forklift to PUSH something out of the aisle way such as a piece of cardboard and take them several tries to get it moved out of the way when a simple act of getting off the lift, bending at the knees and picking said piece of cardboard up and placing it in a trash receptacle would have been less time consuming. Having a truck driver ask me if he can back into a certain door cause it is easier to get into. Did they not teach you to back up in truck driving school or are they more concerned with which truck stops have the best food or the sluttiest employees. I actually told one of the "yard dogs" (guys who spot the drop trailers in the door for unloading) that I hated incompetence and he reeked of it almost as bad as he reeked of cheap cigarettes and 3 day old body odor. He seemed to take offense. Maybe he took more offense when I told him I would gladly bring him a bar of Irish Spring if he would at least use it every other day. This same driver has a pair of black stone washed jeans and me and a coworker got to noticing how often we would see those jeans. We kept a count and unless this guy had a fetish for washing clothes a LOT, he wore the same pair of jeans in 5 days in a row. Take a BATH from time to time stinky. Its water, it doesnt hurt I promise.

Another jab at incompetence is the fast food drive thrus who want you to "pull around and we will bring your order out" many things on the menu at Jack in the Box takes more than 7 minutes to fix? Going through Burger King a few days ago and the girl asks me to pull around to the front and she would bring it out. I look behind me to see how many cars were backed up....none. I ask her WHY am I pulling around for? She said "cause the other people alway asks people to pull around"..So Brad decides he will make this obese young lady get a little exercise. She did not say how FAR away from the building to pull around to. She came out and MOTIONED for me to pull back up to the DOOR to get my food. I motion for her to bring it to me in case someone wanted to pull into the parking place I would be occupying by pulling up. I have to remember not to go back to this BK until this employee has forgotten about me making her lard ass walk the 40 or 50 feet to where I was to bring me my food. She got to the window of the Yukon as I rolled it down and I commented "damn hot out today huh?" .....she did not see the humor in that statement. I love being a smartass in the face of such laziness...........or anytime for that matter.
I go in a few minutes for my MRI.....does it mess them up if I fall asleep in the tube? Hope not cause I am beat. Anyway play fair and keep this in matter how hard we struggle and strive, we never get out of this world alive. Thanks Hank. :D



Blogger Robyn said...

Oh god... I just sat and laughed and laughed at this post.. your too much. =)

8:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok.........I know you on a personal basis............Did you have a bad day ;>. I have had that samething happen. No one behind me and they wanted me to pull around. Darn lazy ass teenagers. LOL
Love ya

5:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BTW.......I think if you visit a might find a nice way or not so nice way to tell someone they stink.......or they are lazy....or whatever.......I have actually done this once..........AND IT WORKED.......LOL

5:24 AM  

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