Thursday, June 15, 2006

Another Dr appt, a bear, and WWE

I called my orthopedic doctor back this morning and got another appointment setup for next Thursday.....I will MAKE this fellow find out what the problem is this time....and "Strained forearm muscles " will not cut it. My bicep still will not move when I is supposed to doesn't and Brad isnt happy with that. I cannot work out. I still have a bit of trouble rotating my arm. I have been having MORE pain lately. But its JUST a STRAINED forearm muscle. I have not been able to do my upper body workout and not even many lower body workouts since I hurt it...3 weeks ago I guess? Anyway hopefully Dr Schneider will do more than a 4 minute exam this time and find the real problem. If not I might have to treat him like a bear......
Did he say "like a bear"? Yep he sure did. Back many moons ago I used to drink.....a few......a few more than I should.........Ok I would drink to about the 3x legal drunk stage and then drive home....I KNOW I KNOW....and I don't do it anymore.... ANYWAY I used to go to this lil club/honkytonk called Robert Allens. This one Thursday night they had a very small crowd ......and a bear. No charge at all you could rassle this bear.....I like free stuff so I decided I would do it. Hey ..ITS FREE!!!! So i head to the bar and have..I think his name was Albert...make a special drink. My friends decided after a few of these drinks they too would rassle this bear....(good strong,nasty tastin drink it was)....Tequila,Goldschlager, and Tabasco sauce...we called it a Mexican Whore...if I recall Albert called it $6. Now we had already had a case or two of nice cold beer between the three of us before the club/honkytonk even opened.....we were primed. They bring this little ol bear out...he looks so cute with the muzzle and everything and I told the guys "I WILL put that bear in a headlock and give his head a thorough scrubbin" (ten foot tall and bulletproof). The handler told us all you had to do was grab the bear by the neck and he would automatically stand up. As soon as he stood up the fight was on. No kickin,punchin,bitin(he really did not have to worry about this...I heard they DONT taste like chicken). Well I bull rushed this 600+ pound bear and took him down and while trying to get the headlock locked in somehow things got re arranged in my plan. HTF did this bear get behind me!!!.....So I spun.....and swung....and connected with this bears snout....quite accurately too.....although I was aiming for his jaw I think. About the same time this event happened, three mroe things took place in rapid rapidly it was almost simultaneous.The bear got a bit upset (not sure why) ,the handler blew his whistle saying i was disqualified, and I said heck with it and quit. (Beer to drink) Seems the guy who was in line after me to rassle wasn't real happy I had kinda upset this bear....he headed back to the bar to have another drink. Goofy things we do when we are young huh. Would I do it again now? Probably so....would I punch the bear again? I have watched the intellectual programming called WWE enough to know some good moves to use on mister bear.....I know you can pull your sock out of your pants and put it on your hand and grab someones jaw and he will flail about like you pulled a nosehair or something.....even though the jaw is a fairly stout hinge.....ahhhh the fun of rassling bears and learning so many things from WWE. ;)
Hope everyone has had a good week thus far....did I mention I was on VACATION?!?!?!



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