Friday, June 16, 2006

Lazy Friday plans

Did I mention I was on vacation this week? I am almost certain I MIGHT have mentioned it once ......maybe twice. Anyway not a lot going on today other than relaxing. How do I relax? I was thinking of hitting the mountain bike trail by Pat Mayse Lake and doing some hiking. Its only a relaxing 7 or 8 miles long hike. Then out to the land sometime today to water my bermuda grass (which is starting to slowly cover the area I planted finally). This evening I get the opportunity to watch my daughter perform with the Paris Municipal Band at the beautiful Bywaters Park Peristyle .
Asking for a bit of prayer help here. One of the first girlfriends I ever had was Kathy. She was such a cute one.....but she turned to drugs and who knows what else. I have talked to her off and on throughout the years and she and her kids even lived with me for a short time....very 2 or 3 months or so. Anyway Kathy had accepted Jesus as her personal savior and had been doing so well. I still have not gotten all the details yet but last week Kathy tried to take her life. This girl has been through so much and yes most of it she did bring on herself but I still love her as a person and I still see the Kathy I knew so many years ago when we talk sometimes. This other Kathy seems to have moved back in and if you would just mention her in your prayers. She is doing ok right now but definitely ANY prayer or special thoughts or anything of that nature would help her. She is staying with her mom in Amarillo right now.

Please Lord, shine upon this young ladies heart and soul and lead her down the right path. She WANTS to be a willing servant but so many things from her past keep tempting her. Give her strength to fight these temptations just as you gave her strength to fight the ugly cancer cells that tried to take over her body. Just be with her as she needs you so much now. Thanks for all the many blessings you have given to ALL of us and continue to bless us as you see fit. AMEN



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