Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Scars HNT #10

Everyone has scars.....some emotional,some physical. I have no pics to share at this time of the emotional scars but heres a few physical scars from I am guessing about 1992ish. Details of what happened that night are still a bit fuzzy and the police report I read (but no longer have a copy of lol) really did not shed much light on it either. I know there had been MUCH alcohol involved......I used to binge drink a lot and if you read the blog a few weeks ago think I still do.....thats maybe once a year anymore.... I remember driving through the apartment complex.....saw a guy of middle eastern descent........comments were exchanged .....(this was not long at all after Desert Storm so you can imagine coming from a drunk Texan what might have been said)......This guy decides to run at the I oblige him in my courteous Texan way.....its hot need in running further than you have to right? I get out of the truck and right about the time he gets there I notice he is not real happy and neither are his friends......where the hell did they come from lol. ......not only did I fail to see the friends, I also failed to see the shard of beer bottle one of the guys had in his hand.......I felt something warm on my arm but really paid it no mind......turned out to be blood. OK now I am PISSED OFF.....they made me bleed on my new shirt lol. This is when things start to get a bit blurrier.....I recall hearing some yelling and then sirens and several swings later the three of these.....camel jockeys were running off. I turn around and there are a few police cars pulling in. I proceed to tell them "its ok I ran them back into their apartments and if they would kindly move their patrol cars I need to get out of here and get this cut on my arm washed out".......the kind officer says something to the effect that "its the cut on your neck that he was concerned with".......I look down at my white shirt and it's no longer white but completely soaked in blood. Now I try to tell them I need to drive myself to the hospital .....they didn't let me......I dont even recall the ambulance getting there cause I was too busy recounting the fight (or my knowledge of it at the time) to the officers. They asked if I wanted to file charges. Nope, I would be judge, jury and executioner all in one ( I do recall THIS line from the police report lol) I then proceed over to the Mustang convertible of one of the guys who jumped me and proceed to wipe blood on the white convertible top. The cops while laughing about it told me I really shouldn't be doing that. Anyway we get to the ER somehow. I am still playfully drunk and proceed to attempt to help the kind nurses anyway I can. This is not limited to grabbing their asses or even trying to help them put the stitches in my throat. They strap me down to the in the back of my mind I pictured a dominatrix coming in...whips snapping the silence....nope just the same ole nurses finishing up the stitches. I cannot say the drinking lessened any after this event but I will say I never saw the Mustang convertible around town after that and believe me I was looking. As stated before I seldom drink anymore, but at this time in my life (I am thinking it was 1992 or so.....) it was not a surprise to me to wake up in a parking lot somewhere sweating my hungover butt off as the midday sun shone through the window. I have even awakened in a suburb of Dallas a few times after a night out drinking. Sad to have to ask someone where you are BTW Dallas is about 100 miles from Paris just to give you an idea of my drunken driving. I am not bragging about it by any means and dont take it as that....take it as me being thankful the good Lord overlooked all the trouble I was causing and spared my life. I could VERY easily have been a statistic as so many people have turned out to be. Thanks for keeping Your eye on me during that time Lord.

Forgot to mention.....6-7 stitches in both the throat and forearm......scars are a constant reminder each time I look in the mirror how lucky I am to be alive. On and the arm pic was color changed in order to show the scar a bit better.....I am not really blue armed lol


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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7:53 PM  
Blogger Phain said...

yeowch! *~*happy hnt*~*

8:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And its a good thing you aren't blue armed, I was beginning to think you were either very cold .. or a smurf!


9:40 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

owie scars!!

I love your blue hairy arm...sexyyyyyyy hehe lol


12:06 AM  
Blogger Suze said...

The scars that we can see are often the ones that affect us the least. Thank you for showing yours, your honesting is quite moving.

Happy HNT sweetie X

3:07 AM  
Blogger Robyn said...

you gaveme an idea, cept if I documented my scars it'd be like 35 picstures.. lol between car wrecks and c-sections lol I'm covered in em. =) Happy HNT!

8:53 AM  
Blogger Jinsane said...

I've got so many I can't even count them all! I guess they give you character. What a story!!


10:59 AM  
Blogger A Bronx Tale said...

wooooo that's crazy.


2:15 PM  
Blogger Moosekahl said...

Scars are great worth keeping! I have my fair share. Happy HNT

7:10 PM  
Blogger Sexy Duet said...

Its always interesting to hear the stories behind people's scars - luckily mine havent been caused by anything quite like that.
Happy HNT!


3:43 AM  

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