Friday, June 09, 2006

Horoscope fun continued

I posted my Wednesday horoscope the other day and some found it amusing....I am sure a few raised some eyebrows....anyway since blogger was being such a bitch yesterday I could not post my Thursday episode of my horoscope so here it is now...funny how things change so fast lol " You and the party you're feuding with actually have much more in common than you suspect. The issue might be a minor miscommunication that's simply gotten out of control. All the pieces of the puzzle will line up soon. "

Now in contrast to the day before which for those too lazy to click back it was "A friendship you thought you couldn't live without soon reveals itself to be past its expiration date. Try not to let this bother you too much. After all, it's natural to outgrow people or to have them outgrow you. "

Now how am I supposed to make life changing decisons when they keep posting stuff like this? Here I was thinking of friends who might be "outdated" and which ones to cut and the next thing I know this friend and I might have more in common than we thought. What to do, what to do.....anyone wanna call the coin in the air? lol

And to top it off here is Fridays version....remember I am into it for the entertainment value only ;):P

"Concentrate on other people -- their motivations, their fears and their needs are going to affect your life more than you realize, so it's best to get a handle on them early. Try not to make any compromises on what you stand for, but you may need to stretch your boundaries a little bit farther than you're used to. By putting so much energy into how you relate to other people, you will get a lot of positive energy in return. It will definitely be a win-win day."

On a side note I had a busy night at work....wrote about 6 poems, a few song verses and something else....wth was it? I cannot for the life of me recall.....oh yeah I unloaded 4 trucks....I knew there was something semi-work related lol. Tonight is the last night before vacation. Looking forward to the time off but more looking forward to my fall vacation. Still have not made any plans just yet for that but I AM gonna travel to SOME mountains SOMEWHERE and do some hiking and camping for sure.
Got a call this morning from a dear friend who will remain anonymous but just know that this lovely lady could use a prayer for a reason not to be disclosed......just ask God to smile upon this child and He knows exactly who you mean. She is going through a rough time but she is a survivor and I love her very much. One of the most awesome people I have ever had the privilege to be around for sure. Take care B and call if you need ANYTHING!!!
Gonna make it a short one today but look for at least one of the new poems for tomorrows post. I might even come back tonight and post one of them. My poems are very personal and directed but I feel like a lot of people can still enjoy them even though they know not who they are meant for. Anyway off to the land to water grass and trees....should have my blueprints in hand tonight. Will have to see if Kent can get them to scan a copy for me to show off also. Everyone have a great day and if I didnt get around to commenting on your HNT ...blame it on blogger ;)

Ciao (she is gonna start charging me for using that)


Blogger Robyn said...

Some of my favorit epoems that I'v read before are the ones that I couldn't decifer. Theres something interesting about not knowing everyhing ya know.

6:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL ... not yet ;)

Ciao love!

7:26 PM  

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