Friday, August 11, 2006

OK run and hide......I am back now.....:P

Well here we go again. Figured I would stop by and give an update for both my loyal readers and to clear some things up. I was not supposed to go back to work until the 17th of August, but I got the doc (idiot) convinced I was healed enough to return. I assumed he would want me to come in and at least verify that I could indeed at least move my arm which he had in a cast from July 10th-July 31st. Wrong….his nurse simply asked me if I was sure I was ready to return to work. Such professionals we have here at the Paris Orthopedic Clinic. I got my return to work date set forward to the 8th and proceeded to my workplace for a visit with the company doctor who actually spent more time asking me how the injury happened than doctor Schneider(idiot) spent with me in all FOUR visits I had with him. Then came the strength tests to determine if I could actually return to work. I told Mr. Abbott (company guy) that I would like to try the most likely test I would fail first. He asked me after I had done this test how long it had been since my arm had been in a cast…..ummmmm a week. He said to try it again but with just the “weakened” arm this time and not both. With my left arm which had basically been disabled since May 28th I was able to pass the companies “qualifications” of BOTH arms with my weakened one. Needless to say (but I will anyway) the rest of the test was pretty much just a formality. I returned to work on Tuesday the 8th and Wednesday and Thursday afternoons actually got called in to work early and am working the whole weekend so life has gotten quite a bit better recently. Finally got Met Life straightened out and supposedly have a couple weeks worth of disability checks headed this way. Ironically I will have been back to work almost a week or more time they arrive.
I may have a solid buyer for the truck. Got a call from a man named Charlie in Waco, TX and we talked for about 30 minutes about the truck and what it has had done, its needs, and just trucks in general. He is waiting on an insurance settlement on a car wreck right now and says he will get with me about seeing the truck in person as soon as that’s settled. Keeping my fingers crossed on this one but he sounds like a promising buyer and will give the truck a good home.
Got a call from my good friend Pam this morning. Pam is the one who lives about 4 doors down from me and we correspond more via email than in person (assuming waves do not count as correspondence.) She has finally gotten a job at Kimberly Clark and was so excited about it she just had to tell me. Pam is like a sister to me and I was so glad for her. She has been working two jobs for at LEAST 4 years now. We also have the common thread of neither of us ever being married. Just sharing my happiness for my good friend… sister.
The Dell laptop will soon reside back at Dell in Austin. This POS is SLOWER on my high speed cable connection than my parents 10 year old desktop is on a dialup connection. I am not a happy and satisfied Dell customer by any means. I will just buy a power supply for my 5-6 year old desktop and maybe add a few upgrades to it and keep on plugging away. I am not on the interweb (I have covered this in blogs before) that much anymore anyway. Seems real life is turning out to be so much more interesting these days. Anyway I am gonna wrap this up for now. Hope I might have a few friends stop by to visit the ole blog again. I am planning right now on maybe doing one every few days or so anyway. Just had so much on my mind lately and felt like not sharing it with everyone. Some people say hey feel better getting it out there and typing it out helps them with it. I was so overwhelmed there for a while I did not want to make people think I was trying to make them feel sorry for me or anything. I am not a whiner and as I look back on the thoughts I would have been typing it would have made me think otherwise. Things are definitely looking up again…..slowly working on the severly stunted left gun right now and hoping for a complete recovery without surgery for it. Its so hard for someone who is used to being able to do about anything they can physically attempt to do, to NOT be able to do those things. I will survive though. ;)

Thanks for those who will return to read me.


Blogger Phain said...

I will return...

6:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrats, glad ur doing well

9:56 PM  
Blogger Nessa said...

Yea. he's back. Missed you. Don't leave again. I don't like the darkside. LOL

7:26 AM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Welcome back!! :)

7:48 PM  
Blogger Robyn said...

Took me till today to realize you were back. Yay! =) Glad you've returned. hehe

6:18 AM  
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7:23 PM  

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