Thursday, November 30, 2006

Very little ice and the town shuts down and my FEMA rant

Well we had a nice cold front move through yesterday or actually early this morning. Cold for north Texas that is. Temp. right now is 26 with windchill of 13. The schools let out early today as well as numerous events cancelled and businesses closing early. Why? Seems we had about 17 drops of freezing rain fall on ground that was bathed in nearly 80 degree temps yesterday and oh my we do not want any accidents cause of this ice storm haha. I am sure some of you "yanks" will find this quite humorous. It is truly funny how people panic when they hear about sleet and snow around here. Almost fun to watch the idiots (when there actually IS ice on the roads) hitting their brakes as they get to an overpass or bridge. Anyway enough already......
FEMA ordered to continue paying for those poor peoples housing who were displaced by Hurricane Katrina....when will these HANDOUTS end? I despise lazy asses. I am SURE these people could have rebounded from a natural disaster by now if the government would pull the nipples from their mouths and make them DO SOMETHING FOR THEMSELVES and not HAND THEM EVERYTHING. I do not recall the numerous hurricanes hitting Florida requiring so much government assistance. Call me heartless ..... I am far from it. If there is a need for assistance then by all means assist. The key is the word ASSIST. Assist does not mean do everything FOR them. It means to give a helping hand. In order to give a helping hand, the person being helped needs to put out some effort. I do nto feel there is much effort on most of these peoples part. If a tornado comes through and levels my house should I expect the US government to pay for my housing for a few years until I can get back on my feet? Hardly. This disaster happened well over a year ago. I am sure everyone is tired of hearing about all of this stuff by now so I will not go on any longer.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stay Warm!

You've been tagged! come read my blog to see. ;)

8:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL.. Louisville does that too.... first sign of ice and everyone freaks out. A school bus had an accident last year because of icy roads so now anytime they call for ice, all the schools shut down. I think it's bullshit too. lol

As for the FEMA thing... I kinda agree with ya.. I mean sure some people may need quite a bit of help but that's also what insurance is for.. if those homeowners didn't choose to insure their homes, then that's a lesson learned on their part....

8:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Helllllllllllllllllo in there???? Can Brad come out and play???? Please do give us an update!!!

3:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heyyyyyyyyyy Brad.. come on over to my place for my wish for you!

9:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop by my place too hun.. I got a lil something for ya as well. =)

6:35 AM  

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