Sunday, March 11, 2007

Getting back on track

Thanks for the virtual shoulders that were extended for me to rest my head on the last few days. One person especially and she knows who she is. I have done some much needed inward gazing and I was not liking what I saw. I know much of it is created by stress and lack of sleep but theres more to it and I am hoping to have it all controlled now. I am sure many are thinking Me Melodramatic please shut up haha. I have pretended long enough. I have kept Christ in my life but barely and that needs to change......that WILL change. I have been holding back so much anger for so long and trying to deal with it alone when all I had to do was ask for a hand. That hand has been asked for now and I am already feeling much more relaxed (as I sit here typing at 4 am). I got some muchly needed sleep and about to get some more. I had a very nice workout earlier and if the rain will hold off in the morning I will walk about 3 or 4 miles.
Unless something comes up between now and then I will be venturing back to Indian Territory again next weekend to visit with a dear friend whom I introduced everyone to back in September of last year and whose picture has graced my blog a few times. I have no idea what the plan is as of yet but I know I will enjoy my visit. I was literally almost speechless a few days ago and that does not happen often (shut it). Ok sit down and read slowly...this gets very interesting. I met Ms Christie for a wonderful date last fall. Monday September
18th to be exact. Easy enough so far right? We had a wonderful time. I had another date that weekend with Sandy. Again had a wonderful time and in fact we started dating regularly and I am sure the long time readers tired of hearing about all that stuff so I will not drag that back out. Ok the plot thickens. I kept in touch with Christie all this time and we have grown to be great friends (correct me if I am wrong here Angel). I recently "met" online with another lady from Christies home town. They know each other....quite well. In fact (and I KNOW i will get this wrong so I am gonna cheat) one of their relatives is getting married to one of the others relatives next week I think. Very odd and small world huh? ...wait. The plot thickens more. The new friend is divorced. Nothing odd there right? Whats funny and totally unexpected...she WAS married to I THINK an UNCLE of SANDY. I am sure many of you will have to read that twice. I would to make sure I got it right but its late and I would just still think its all a joke they are playing on me. Oh and just a small kicker here....the new friend goes to Church about 1/4 mile from my townhouse haha. Anyway I need sleep. Have another week of 12 hour days ahead and then a relaxing visit with my OkieAngel Ms Christie on Saturday. Everyone have a great week.

One of the secrets of life is to make stepping-stones out of stumbling blocks.

-Jack Penn

If you have made mistakes, even serious mistakes, you may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call "failure" is not the falling down, but the staying down.

-Mary Pickford


Blogger Unknown said...

I'm so glad you are feeling better about things.....Stress can be a killer ya should always talk thru your problems and not let them build up...I'm always here to listen!

As for this Christie chic that seems to keep appearing in your blog..she seems like alot of trouble...lmao.

Look forward to seeing you!


6:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well its been a day or two since i've graced your comment box with my i would stop in and say hi. i love the quotes, have always been a sucker for stuff like that. hope your work week goes well and you get plenty of rest...haven't you missed me... Gem ;)

7:45 PM  
Blogger jillie said...

I think I'm speechless only because I don't know all that's really going on so this is what I've got to say.

Get some rest and it will all come together...

Sweet Dreams

1:35 PM  
Blogger Breazy said...

Hey Brad! Sorry I haven't been around much lately but we are finishing up on the house and all that. I hope everything gets better for you and let me tell you something that I know from experience, if you keep Christ first and foremost in your life, even the bad times aren't all that bad!


10:45 AM  

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