Sunday, March 25, 2007

Almost finished outside... and a Gem of a date

Heres a few new pics. This was taken Friday. Notice the rollup door laying on the shop floor and lack of a porch?

My "sunrise side"

Taken very early this morning...was pleasantly surprised yesterday when I drove out with a friend and saw the doors in place

I got out in time this morning to get a sunrise pic ....was a bit overcast but still some nice color.

My nearly finished shop. I need to get some gutters installed soon and some shrubbery and grass planted. Might just buy some sod and lay it down.

And heres a few more pics I am too lazy to make comments on so decide for yourself what they are haha

I am hoping the insulation guy comes out tomorrow and does his thing and I will be done with this contractor and can start getting my plumbing lined out.
Yesterday I met a long time online friend (has it been over a year?) from Indian Territory finally. This one is a Gem of a friend and such a pretty lady. Monica made the short drive to my small town early yesterday afternoon and we proceeded to go for a short drive.....ok maybe a long drive lol. I showed her my land and shop building and a lot of other non interesting stuff. We made our way back to town and dined at an authentic mexican food place called La Familia here in town. After our meal we drove around a local cemetary ( I DO know how to impress the ladies do i not?) haha. This cemetary has some beautiful headstones and one in particular I sought out to show her depicts an angel or Jesus (not sure which it is meant to be) in cowboy boots of all things. After a short drive through this sacred ground we proceeded to a familiar haunt of mine....Trail De Paris and went for a nice walk. After our walk we headed to the local movie theater and luckily picked a row between some kids who proceeded to talk through the whole movie...btw we saw Premonition. Now not having a TV I had not seen any of the previews of this movie but I read the reviews of it on the website and it sounded like something we would both enjoy. It was one of those movies that is hard to follow at times but if you can stick with it it is really a good movie. Sandra Bullock was her usual quality self and such a beauty(yes she is Monica so hush). Anyway after the movie we head back to the parking lot where her truck was and had a nice conversation before she headed home. Stop by her place sometime and tell her I sent you and I think she will send you some homemade cookies
Hope everyone had a safe and happy weekend. I know mine was enjoyable....all one day of it haha


Blogger Sandi said...

Hey it looks great!

Glad you had a good time with your friend.


10:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

aw thanks for the kind words, i had a great time and as morbid as it may seem i did enjoy looking at the markers at the cemetary, never said i wasnt a little different. oh ya its yellow hop ;D lol. thanks again, the company was great and your shop is coming along nicely...(((HUGS)))

Gem ;)

1:05 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

The pics are great! I think the shop/apt looks good. Can't wait to see the progress on the inside.

So glad you and Monica had such a great date. I know you can sure be great company :)


6:56 PM  
Blogger jillie said...

Great photos. I saw that movie this wknd too. Loved it and it really had a few surprising twists in it. I too think Sandra Bullock is a great actress. She is so down to earth and not hung up on herself.


9:01 AM  

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