Wednesday, March 28, 2007

So it should be done....and an answered prayer

My insulation was supposed to have been sprayed today and if so then the contracters work is done and I can start arranging the contractors for my living area now. I won't have time before work to drive out to see though. Have too much stuff to do and meeting this lovely 30 yr old named Valerie for a few miles at the local walking track. Then its off to work for 12 hours. I am hoping to reconnect with a long time school friend this Friday also for lunch and just sitting around catching up with her. She is Melanie and we have known each other since grade school but its been years since I saw her and she lives less than five miles from where I am building.
Just wanted to say thanks for the prayers for another friends nephew I mentioned a while back that had to be careflighted to Dallas with breathing problems. She mentioned last night that they were supposed to bring him home today I think. Another answered prayer!!!
Sorry for the brief update.....had planned on doing a HNT post before work but got tied up chatting and run out of time haha


Blogger Lee Ann said...

Thank goodness Brad, I am so glad they will be bringing him home!
Have a great weekend!

5:23 AM  
Blogger jillie said...

Hey thanks for the update and it really goes to show the power of prayer is "powerful!"

Have fun catching up with your friend. Isn't great how you can reconnect after all these years. I met my best friend from high school a few years ago and it was like we went back in time. I've really missed her!

3:41 PM  
Blogger lime said...

enjoy that visit! and so glad to hear the lil fellow is doing better.

6:30 AM  

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