Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Empty arms HNT 20

I sometimes tend to be a bit of an introvert. I work better when alone. I seem to think more clearly when alone. I used to tell everyone I was shy...turns out it was not realy shyness at all. I deal pretty well with it at times. Most times I keep anyone else from really getting inside. Sometimes a person can sneak in before I know to look through the peephole to see who it is knocking and once inside ...well its a different world. I adore Merle Haggard and his songs. Do not roll your eyes at me. Here are a few lines from one of my favorites.

Rollin with the flow
Going where the lonely go
Anywhere the lights are low
Going where the lonely go

Making up things to do
Not running in all directions
Trying to find you
I'm rollin with the flow
Going where the lonely go
I've got to keep rollin
I can't lay down

Sleep won't hardly come
When theres loneliness all around
I've got to keep goin
Travling down this lonesome road
I'm rollin with the flow
Goin where the lonely go


I really wish you were my arms as we dance across the room....swaying to the music, our bodies moving as rest your head on my shoulder...holding you tightly.....feeling your heart beat in time with mine. Save a dance for me sometime.

Where do I go when lonely....tonight I went to the garage and to my good friends Mr weight bench and Mr Barbell and Mr Dumbells (insert your own joke I am trying to hurry before work). Look up the word introvert and you will see how this ties in also.

Just to clear a few things up about the previous blog...

First off, I was not suggesting in ANY way that I would not be friends with this wonderful young lady still...simply that I choose not to pursue what looked like some really fun dating days ahead. She is a wonderful person and I hope any comments I made would make it appear that I think otherwise of her.

Secondly , part of my reasoning for feeling the way I do about tattoos and body piercings goes back to my religious beliefs. Now I know better than to get into a religious debate with pretty much anyone so I did not bring that issue up in the original post. Thats all I shall say about that (for now anyway haha)

I do wish to thank everyone who offered their comments. I am still friends with this person although our chats have almost seemed to disappeared now. I know a lot of it is cause I am so busy with work and trying to organize things for the shop construction but not so sure I haven't lost a rung from the friendship ladder.....seems it has changed and I feel sad about that. Do i regret my decision? I seldom have regrets about any decision I make. I know once its been made that it can't be "unmade" although it can be altered. Would I ever think I might soften my stance on this issue? Not likely but we all know to never say never right?
I love this quote from Homer. I try so hard to speak what is truely in my heart but I relaize sometimes my words can be so sharp and cut through someone. I do not intend to hurt with the words but tats just me. You never have to wonder what I am thinking or feeling cause I damn sure don't mind letting anyone know. My tact might be lacking but I try to make up for that in 100% honesty. Anyway here is the quote

Hateful to me as the gates of Hades is that man who hides one thing in his heart and speaks another. ~Homer
On an unrelated note , looks like I might finally get to meet a longtime online friend who lives just across the river in Indian territory. She has invited me up to enjoy a movie with her on Sunday afternoon so kind of excited about that. She was thinking I was a very ungrateful person for a few weeks. She looked up my address on a website and made some home made chocolate chip cookies and sent them to me for Valentines day.....I never received them. She finally asked me about them yesterday after probably thinking for two weeks that all this time I was not acknowledging her gift. So she is going to make some more and I told her to save the postage and I would just pick them up haha. I hope everyone is having a great HUMP day and I might be back later with a picture post of some kind.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Please give me your opinion.....

The question is am I shallow for thinking this way?

I dislike tattoos and body piercings (ears are ok I guess) and I have this friend whom I would love to date regularly and she recently got her nose pierced. Is it shallow for me to not really want to date her just cause of this now? She has also mentioned more tattoos. Maybe I am overreacting to this. Just looking across at metal hanging out of a persons body while dining across from them is just a major turnoff. I know its a tiny piece of metal. Maybe I am too picky and maybe thats why I remain single.


The weirder you're going to behave, the more normal you should look. It works in reverse, too. When I see a kid with three or four rings in his nose, I know there is absolutely nothing extraordinary about that person. ~P.J. O'Rourke

Had an awesome lunch today at my FAVORITE restaurant with one of my favorite friends. Thanks for that my dear. ;)

Saturday, February 24, 2007



So much of what we live goes on inside–
The diaries of grief, the tongue-tied aches
Of unacknowledged love are no less real
For having passed unsaid. What we conceal
Is always more than what we dare confide.
Think of the letters that we write our dead.

from Interrogations at Noon
© 2001 Dana Gioia

Friday, February 23, 2007

Lot of driving yesterday

I left out around noonish yesterday headed to the Ft Worth area. Actually the towns were Saginaw and Keller but I was all over that area making three "truck related stops" for parts and to talk to a shop owner there. I also made it by Cabelas....Although Bass Pro Shop sometimes has a bit better prices I still like Cabelas a bit more for some reason. Hard to believe that this store does not get the business that Bass Pro Shop does but a lot of it has to do with location. Anyway I browsed for awhile and finally my big purchase was a short sleeve Under Armour brand shirt...hmmm if I had gotten back in time I guess I could have modeled it for HNT huh? Maybe that will be next week.
Today I had planned on getting some of the stuff ordered for my shop/apartment. Sitting here waiting on Fed Ex to arrive since I missed them yesterday. As soon as they arrive, its off to the plumbing supply place to order my 42"x42" shower stall. I hate being cramped while showering don't you? They normally take 2 weeks or so to make them and have them delivered here so hopefully that will work out just right. Johnny ordered my metal yesterday. The shop will be tan with dark green trim. He also ordered my roll up doors and after I leave the plumbing supply place its off to a neighboring town to visit Lowes and get some vinyl frame windows for the shop. Also going to look at some other stuff......I love Lowes!!!! haha
Looks like we have some severe storms forecast for our area tonight so another thing on my list is a tarp to cover the new trucks cab until I can get them out to replace the busted windows. I love storms also so I might just head out to the land and sit and watch the storm roll in this evening/night. Lightning amazes me and I would like to share this pic a friend of mine sent. I am thinking of having this one framed haha.

Hope you all have a great weekend!! I have had a wonderful week off work and got a lot accomplished. Kinda hate to go back but it seems the bank is happier when you pay for the stuff you finance through them. Some people. (rolling eyes)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

cool quiz

Really easy quiz you should all take. Its amazing how accurate these things can be. Please let me know what you think.
Called in my first draft from my construction loan this morning. Should be getting the first $6300 or so out for the concrete work and roughing in the plumbing. Hopefully this weather will continue and they will be putting the shop walls and all up in less than two weeks. It is 5 pm right now and sitting at 75....not bad for a winter day in Texas haha.
Headed to Saginaw (not Michigan) tomorrow afternoon to get some pickup parts. Some of you might have seen the project truck in the backgrounds of some of the pics. I recently bought another 1995 Chevy ext cab that was a theft recovery. It had all the windows busted except for door glass (they were rolled down) so trying to gather these windows and get them installed before it does rain. Then to get the truck inside the shop once its done to start working on it. It has a lot of custom body work already done although some of it will have to be redone and some of it was only half done when he got frustrated because of the theft and decided to sell it.
Hope everyone is having a great humpday (I know of one who was wanting to not go home today ;) ) and looking forward to the weekend.....might have to try to catch a movie this saturday if things work out :D


Concrete evidence that the shop is progressing

I now have concrete evidence to support my claim I am indeed started on my shop/apartment. Thats right , my concrete has been poured and is curing out nicely. I am figuring that within two weeks or so I should have the shop itself built depending on how the weather cooperates and if it stays warm so the concrete will cure faster. Then on to lining up contractors to do the various jobs of finishing out the "apartment" inside. The weather here has been awesome. I actuallyalmost got a sunburn yesterday. It was mid 70s and supposed to be more of the same today and tomorrow I beleive. I now have a "Y" in my driveway because I had to redo which end of the shop my rollup doors were on. This will actually work out better in the summer too cause I can have that nice southerly breeze coming in the shop more and we all know how much of a warming breeze that can be in Texas during the summer lol

Got phone calls and paperwork to do today so want to get that done early so I can get out and enjoy this beautiful weather. Thanks for the prayers and well wishes for both my Okie Angel. There is nothing more powerful than prayer. Hope everyone has a great HUMPDAY and who knows......I might be posting more pics around midnight ;)

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Progress pics of the shop

As you can see I have had just a little bit of progress happening. The dirtwork was finished up on Saturday. James come and set the forms and plumbing yesterday (while Brad was stuck in an all day class for work) and in about an hour or less the concrete trucks will begin pouring. I am just a bit hyped up. I did have to change my plans once again and going to have the roll up doors on the short end of the building in order to not mess with the structures main support beam. This will actually turn out better in a way cause I will have more room to work inside the shop I think and can actually get 3 maybe 4 vehicles inside at once. Anyway I am off to the land.....kinda want to be there when they start the concrete flowing haha.

Just a quick update on my OkieAngel aka Christie. She is headed back to work today for her first day back so hopefully she will have a painfree day. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Also my mom and dad are both kinda gimpy right now. Mom is having trouble with her knee some and dad is recovering from having a toe removed (I thought I had blogged abuut this but was told I did not. He had the toe next to the big toe overlapping his big toe and they could either break it and reset it with pins or just remove it altogether so he had it removed. Anyway he has an infection in it now. Hopefully they got to it in time. Please keep them in your prayers also.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Horoscope, wind and piles of dirt

Found today's horoscope kind of ironic. With no further explanation here it is.

"It's important to keep your financial budget in balance. However, have you ever thought about your emotional resources in the same way? You can't keep spending so much on certain areas that aren't fruitful. "

Very very windy here today but at least it has warmed back into the 50s. About to head out to the land to see how much my dirt is sailing away in this wind. I am just guessing the gusts to be close to 40 mph.

Speaking of dirt, I do have several piles of dirt and the concrete guy is headed out to start on that dirtwork and possibly even set some forms if the weather will allow him to. Short and sweet post for today but I am basically running on reserve right now. Maybe a couple hours of sleep in the past 48-50 hours.....I am draining fast, believe me. haha

Friday, February 16, 2007

Poetic friday revisted

So many years have passed on by
Too many years spent alone
You’ve been in and out of my life
Not a sexier lady have I known.

So many short, quick bursts of memories
Come flooding back through my mind
No matter what you said or did
Somehow our lives always entwine

You came to me with great news this week
And the words did indeed make me smile
But once again I miss out on your love
As soon you and he will walk down the aisle.

I told you I was jealous but happy for you
And you knew this already I am sure
No matter what happens between you two
My love for you will always endure.

I’ve told you so many times before
That its unconditional and true
Others can brighten my day and make me smile
Though none can do it like YOU!

I have not been too poetic lately but a dear dear friend (whom has been the blog subject here several times before) emailed me today saying her boyfriend proposed to her on Valentines day. Yes she did say YES and while I am ecstatic for her as you can tell I also have some mixed emotions. Please wish my wonderfully beautiful friend Kim the very best and please let Jerry treat her like the queen she is. Love you always Kim!


Ever gotten news that excites and saddens you all at once?

You Are 30% Extrovert, 70% Introvert
You are quite reservedYou aren't afraid of social situations...But you very much prefer to go it aloneAnd why not? You're your own best friend!

Leave me a comment telling which you are ?

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Happy Valentines Day!!!

My good friend Christie sent me this pic the other day and I just HAD to share it with you. Seems like this is as good a day as any right? haha

In my usual overindulgence of research I found this out in regards to the holiday we call Valentines day. It seems there were two men with the last name of Valentine who were Christian martyrs. This day became associated with romantic love (as opposed to just outright hardcore sex I guess?)during the middle ages when courtly love flourished....not Cortney Love...she came along much later.

The first reported use ofValentines day in assocaition with love was done by Geoffrey Chaucer, who is sometimes called the father of English literature, from his work called Parlement of Foules from 1382.

For this was on seynt Volantynys day
Whan euery bryd comyth there to chese [chose] his make [mate]

In 1349 2000 Jews were burned to death by Christian mobs for whom they alleged caused the Bubonic plague. I am guessing they thought these Jews were pretty powerful to do such a thing haha.

Sorry I dont have time for more interesting info here but its time to get ready for work. Hope everyone has a great Valentines day and please dont go killing people for starting a plague unless you have solid evidence of such heinous activity.

Has it really been almost a week?

Seems that I have been working a lot....75 hours last week. Anyway not a lot of updates to speak of. If the weather will cooperate I should have the dirtwork done for my shop on Saturday and hopefully the concrete will be poured first thing monday morning. I have been looking for a nice clean travel trailer the last few days. I might go ahead and buy one of them to live in temporarily instead of using up my shop space with living area and then having to tear it out later once I build my house a year or so down the line. Of course if I decide to do that I would want a parking pad on the end of the shop and thats going to be another $1150 in concrete plus probably $500+ more for metal to cover it. BUT I would have that much more room for my shop inside and I would still put a bathroom and laundry hookups inside the shop. Had another 12 hour shift last night and most likely one more tonight so its bedtime for Brad....someone tuck me in? :>

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Got a $1200 ink pen today....

Since Breazy is posting from the library and isn't sharing construction pics right now I decided I would share some. Ok its DRIVEWAY construction but its progress. The first pic is what amounts to a semi load of rock.....looks small for a semi trailer load huh?

Heres the same area after a few (many) passes with the box blade on the John Deere I borrowed from my uncle.

Checking to make sure I have the high spots knocked down enough for my air ride truck to smoothly make the drive. The shop will be behind where the truck is sitting in this pic.

I love to show off the truck so heres another....

Just a few extra pics.

I finally closed on my construction loan this morning. That makes Brad a more happy camper haha. Hopefully be getting some dirt hauled out later this week and maybe some concrete on the ground by next week if the weather cooperates and we all know how THAT can be this time of the year right? I am going to be building a 30x50x12 metal shop...ok I won't be but Rafter J Metal Works will be. My plans are to build on one end , a 1 bedroom "apartment" with a small kitchen/living room area. It will be basically 30x14 so a whopping 420 sq ft of living area for me lol. I will be psting some links to some pics of the progress as it gets going. As far as the title of this blog goes.....anyone who has ever closed on a loan knows the outrageous fees and such that come with a closing. I borrowed $22k to build this shop and the closing costs were almost as much as when I borrowed $77k to buy a house ...simply unreal. Of course they do let you keep the pretty pen you sign paper after paper with....I asked the girl if I could have a NEW pen since half the ink was gone from this one already lol.

Talked to the Okie Angel on the phone earlier and she is doing well. She should get to come home Friday sometime. She was resting and had been doing a bit of walking around earlier. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers for her. She is really quite a special young lady IMO.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Pray for my OkieAngel and local "tv stars"

That pretty smiling face above is Christie. Some of you may recall me heading into Indian Territory last September to visit this lovely young lady. She just had her tonsils removed a few weeks ago and tomorrow morning goes to Mcalester, OK to have a hysterectomy. Please mention her in your prayers. I will make sure to let her know any and all who mention this on my blog when I talk to her.

A tv show is doing some filming in the area this coming week. Any of you who visit Becca would already have heard about this. An episode of One Tree Hill focusing on a small town prom will be shot in the sweetest town in Texas aka Honey Grove. Legend has it that Honey Grove was supposedly one of the places Davy Crockett wrote about on one of his travels. He supposedly camped there on his way to join the Texas army in San Antonio in for you Yanks 1836 might not mean much but that was the year a small battle was fought at a tiny mission in South Texas called the Alamo which at the time was known as San Antonio de Béxar. ANYWAY (I get sidetracked with history a lot) this show will feature a lot of the local kids and my daughter who is 16 is trying to find her own way to get a view of one of the stars of this show...don't ask me his name but if you have teenage girls I am sure they could tell you. I was riding with her crossing the square on Sunday here in Paris and jokingly said, "I think they are setting up to do some kind of shot there".....mistake...rapidly applied brakes right in the middle of a changing redlight is not good. Luckily this was Sunday afternoon in a town with the population of 25000 or so so nothing bad happened. We had a fun afternoon going around looking at some cars and just hanging out. Hopefully it won't be quite so long before the next visit.
Gotta get in bed soon.....back to work for another 12 hour shift in about 7 hours...busy week this week so forgive me if I don't make it to your blogs.


Saturday, February 03, 2007

Now I just wanna get close to you....feel your body heat....

I have this pretty friend
With eyes so very alive
Just thinking of this gal
Makes me want to drive
Drive to hold her close
And gaze into those eyes
Softly kiss her lips
Now that would be a Prize
One day this I shall do
I wish it were tonight
Mere thoughts of this angel
Makes the darkest night bright.
----------------- ---------------------
Thinking about someone tonight.....can you tell?
I did get my driveway in pretty good shape today. Good enough for now since I know the concrete trucks and contractors will for sure do some damage to it and pack it in quite a bit in the coming weeks. I had a bit of a problem with the closing that was supposed to happen Wednesday of this past week....the problem you ask? Well it seems the money that I am to pay the title company to do all the legwork on the title/deeds etc ...... well I think they might be a bit lazy. I was told that my aunt in Lubbock (familiar sounding town for some reason?) had not signed off on her share of the land. BTW the land I am building on was once a part of my grandad Clements property. Anyway they claim they also needed to see a death certificate for my grandmother.
My grandmother passed away I am guessing ten years ago....I am terrible when it comes to dates such as that. Anyway the land had been resurveyed, I had a deed to the land I bought from my other words everything SHOULD have been cut and dried. Not the case. BUT my mom called the title company, informed them WHICH BOOK the information they said they could not find was located in, then the title company instead of calling ME, tells my MOM to tell me to call them for another appointment for a closing. Soooooo on Monday I will set up another appointment to do the closing and hopefully finally get some dirt hauled out and possibly some concrete on the ground within a few days after closing. If Johnnie works like he normally does, the shop structure will be done within a few days of the concrete being cured. I AM still waiting on a few bids from some people on doing the framing and plumbing etc that will take place after the shop is built but at least I could have a place to start moving some stuff to.

Friday, February 02, 2007

That %$#@*(&^ Groundhog best be right

The lovely creature pictured (the groundhog aka Punxsutawney Phil) has "predicted" an early spring. It snowed here a little yesterday and a little more is forecast for today. Todays high should be 33.....that damn rodent best know what he is talking about!!! Of course being the Google junky I am I had to read up a bit on the history of this odd weather predicting varmint. Supposedly it goes to back to the Germans and much of Pennsylvania was originally inhabited by German immigrants. This is the German verses that tell of groundhog day.

For as the sun shines on Candlemas Day,
So far will the snow swirl until the May.

Now THIS verse of course led me to Google Candlemas Day. I found it was a Catholic feast to commemorate the purification of the Virgin Mary a nd presentation of Jesus in the temple. Under Mosaic law a mother who had given birth to a son was considered unclean for seven days and was to remain for three and thirty days in the blood of her purification. And to think before today I thought they were just pulling a groundhog out of the ground to simply offer a tourist revenue to their tiny town. I am sure there is plenty of mention of the Biblical importance of the day right? (sarcasm for the new people)

Did you know the groundhog is also known as a woodchuck or whistle pig? They are classified as rodents and can live up to six years in the wild and ten years in captivity...yet Punxsy Phil is over 100 years old according to the members of the groundhog club. Hmmmm maybe he is just a survivor (again sarcasm)
Did youever wonder how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? ( I know Jillie is trying to say this aloud right now) Well ironically the term woodchuck has absolutely nothing to do with wood. It comes from An Algonquian name for an animal called the wuchak.... I am guessing or lazy English screwed that one up huh?
Ok enough of the schooling for today. I notice no apples are on my desk and someone might be in need of some swats.....

Merry Candlemas to everyone!!!!!

Oh and thanks for "letting" me use that pic.

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