Friday, June 30, 2006

Friends, hot rods, 4 day weekend and a keg

This weekend is about friends. My friend Jerry and his wife will be "hosting" a small gathering of we are guessing maybe 100 or so folks. A lot of used to get together every Memorial Day and head off to Waco Texas and the Mini Nationals car show (although most of our shenanigans took place back at the Howard Johnsons parking lot). Every year from 1989 through I guess 2000 we would make this trek. The Howard Johnsons would ,after dark, turn into one big party complete with lots of hot rods, loud music, drinking and a LOT of tire smoke from people doing burnouts in the parking lot. We even got a few cops to do some on a couple occasions. So many stories to tell from that central Texas town.....I am sure at some point many of them will be shared in bits and pieces. One of the BEST things we got form this show was the comradarie with the friends we grew to know and the best of those friends were from Tyler Texas. to describe Dusty??? Dusty is one beautiful young lady. Dusty is married to Russell. Russell reminds me somewhat of the Mad magazine guy in a way. Dusty, before we really got to know her, became known to "the Paris bunch" as most of the car show/motel participants knew us, as the "Right Here" girl. She has this really shrill almost hurts your ears scream sometime of "right here" indicating she wanted some tire smoke to engulf her and she wanted it NOW. Gotta love a woman who thinks tire smoke should be a perfume. Russell and Dusty are making the trek to Paris for what we hope will turn into our OWN annual burnout/beer party/general good time. Jerry and I will head out in the morning to get a keg (and almost assuredly will go back for a second) and around 6 pm or so the friends will start gathering. I am hoping before we all get tooooo awfully inebriated to get a few good pics taken of the cars but most definitely of the friends. The neighbors all gave the OK for this which makes me wonder exactly what Jerry CANNOT sell. I am not sure they know exactly what they are in for. Lets just say most likely several thousand dollars worth of rubber will be spent on the former military road that they live on. I will be in the Yukon and MIGHT do one myself....ok anyone who knows me KNOWS I will most assuredly be one of the early participants.

Friends, hot rods and a keg......and a four day weekend to enjoy them all. Thats what makes life worth it. What makes the work week seem like sooooo long ago. We will most likely have this at MY place next year so I have 365ish days to get a house built....concrete pad JUST for burnouts (and storing the car hauler) and getting the word out to as many friends as possible and hopefully outdo Jerry's burnout bash. Hoping this turns into an annual event for us. Who knows it might just turn into a mini national event much like the Memorial day event in Waco (which btw was later moved to Fredricksburg TX and lost so much of its charm) That would be sooo cool to have event coverage at something we started as a gathering of friends. Stranger things have happend and from all the many car shows I have attended, most started out simply as some friends getting together to hang out and possibly raise money for a charity....which brings me to one of my plans for next year. I adore kids. I hate when bad things happen to them as we all do. One of the ONLY charities I will support (since most are more or less money makers for the leaders of the charity) is St Judes. I am HOPING to be able to get some Tshirts together to sell and all money raised from the event would go to them. Danny Thomas started something really special when he ounded St Judes in 1962 and hopefully I can help in my own small way. When the plans start coming together I am sure to let my blogging friends know and who knows maybe some of the more local ones could make it on by for some good fun fellowship for a good cause. True you would not know anyone really.....but thats what the KEG is for. :D

Hope everyone has a happy and safe Independence Day (also known as the 4th of July and to all Canadians Happy early Canada day (which is tomorrow btw). Hopefully will be posting some pics from our festivities on Sunday. Now off to buy a couple hundred dollars worth of fireworks :D


Thursday, June 29, 2006

Are you a good judge of worth?

I found this on another site a while back and had saved it to blog about and forgot from which website I stole it. Maybe the internet cops won't arrest me. No particular reason for posting this today...don't want any of the two regulars here to think its aimed at them or anything. Just an overall good story.
The Touch
Twas battered and scarred, and the auctioneer thought it scarcely worth his while to waste much time on the old violin. But he held it up with a smile:
"What am I biddin' good folks," He cried. "Who'll start the biddin' for me ? A dollar;" then, "two ! Only two ? Two dollars, and who'll make it three ? Three dollars once, three dollars twice; going for three --- " But no.
From the room, far back, a gray-haired man came forward and picked up the bow. Then, wiping the dust from the old violin, and tightening the loose strings, he played a melody pure and sweet as a carolling angel's wings.
There's many a man with life out of tune, who's battered and scarred, and is auctioned cheap to the thoughtless crowd, much like the old violin. A mess of potage, a glass of wine, a game, and he travels on. He is going once, and going twice, he's going and almost gone.
But the Master comes, and the foolish crowd never can quite understand the worth of a soul, and the change that's wrought by the touch of the Master's Hand.
How many times have each of us viewed an object and actually wonder about why someone kept it around? Funny how a dusty old violin so many thought was worthless seemed indeed priceless after the master laid his hands upon it. So many times in life The Master will lay his hands upon one of us and make us shine like the violin did that day on the auction stand. No matter how bad we appear to some people all we have to do is let The Master take over our lives and we will indeed shine as he meant for us to. Let The Master wipe your dust away, tighten your strings and allow Him to play a tune through your life that will bring a tear of joy to people around you. He is The true Master who is able to make our old violins truly play a melodius continue your bidding....

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


OK I joked withSandi about Blogger not eating posts and I also commented about my friend
Robyn on the topic of karma. Seems blogger decides to give me a helping of karma and eat MY post now. Anyway heres the not feel like going back in and being witty all over again. It drains me you know :P

And in the style of my friend Chelle I will post a pic I didn't use but did use. Makes sense to her so makes sense to me too.


Incompetence revisited and mustard baths

OK I know I only blogged about incompetence an hour or so ago.....guess I should have waited. Got to the orthopedic office and waited for a while and finally got called back (I was second MRI of the day so why was I late?)....chatted (flirted) with the two ladies in the MRI trailer there a reason these have to be done in trailers? ......anyway get hooked up and the younger of the two says they needed to mark where the pain is if possible. So as they pull my arm back out of the sleeve it is easy to spot the "pain spot"....damn that hurt. The high tech marking device is brought out. Mustard packet taped over the spot .....I am sure THAT will be on my bill somewhere in the $100 range. Anyway get me hooked back up and she goes to slide me in.....she says my head is sticking up to high....I was waiting on some kind of Jack from JITB commercials comment but she let it slide. Get my big melon pushed down into the tunnel with my arm rotated with palm up (which btw is how I hurt it to begin with..rotating it) so you can imagine the discomfort. I am in the tunnel about 15 minutes thinking "Ok 5 more minutes ...I am done....then I can get to sleep..."

WRONG....pull me back out and Carla tells me the sleeve is not working right. She gets the other sleeve as I consider squishing the mustard packet on her...not maliciously but flirtaciously of course ;) I get all hooked back up and back into the tunnel I slide......5 minutes later Carla is pulling me out again letting me know THIS sleeve is not working right either. To make a long story short (or is it too late for that) the technicians that were to have looked at the devices last week seemed to have left early and did not finish adjusting them.....incompetence bites me in the ass again. Plus side is I get to go back and visit the two lovelies who handle the MRI's and maybe setup some kind of mustard smearing party.....wish me luck !!!!!

Off to dreamland.....


Caller ID, incompetence,lazy reeking drivers, and more

So I am checking my messages on my home phone while sitting on my forklift restin....I mean working, and the last message was kinda poor quality (cell phone) and I dont have caller id. How do I handle this? I am not 100% sure who it was even although the voice sounded familiar. Should I call the one I thought it was and say "Oh I was at work when you called last night"?....I really should get caller ID on the home phone lol.
I loathe incompetence. It amazes me how lazy most Americans have become. The quality of workers my company has just brought in has GOT to be some of the worst I have ever seen. We truly are scraping the bottom of the barrel it seems. Then I look at other businesses both large and small and realize everyone wants a paycheck as long as they do not have to DO anything for it. I can be lazy sometimes.....seldom but sometimes I can. Not even being able to perform ones job because of laziness is another thing. I have seen guys use a forklift to PUSH something out of the aisle way such as a piece of cardboard and take them several tries to get it moved out of the way when a simple act of getting off the lift, bending at the knees and picking said piece of cardboard up and placing it in a trash receptacle would have been less time consuming. Having a truck driver ask me if he can back into a certain door cause it is easier to get into. Did they not teach you to back up in truck driving school or are they more concerned with which truck stops have the best food or the sluttiest employees. I actually told one of the "yard dogs" (guys who spot the drop trailers in the door for unloading) that I hated incompetence and he reeked of it almost as bad as he reeked of cheap cigarettes and 3 day old body odor. He seemed to take offense. Maybe he took more offense when I told him I would gladly bring him a bar of Irish Spring if he would at least use it every other day. This same driver has a pair of black stone washed jeans and me and a coworker got to noticing how often we would see those jeans. We kept a count and unless this guy had a fetish for washing clothes a LOT, he wore the same pair of jeans in 5 days in a row. Take a BATH from time to time stinky. Its water, it doesnt hurt I promise.

Another jab at incompetence is the fast food drive thrus who want you to "pull around and we will bring your order out" many things on the menu at Jack in the Box takes more than 7 minutes to fix? Going through Burger King a few days ago and the girl asks me to pull around to the front and she would bring it out. I look behind me to see how many cars were backed up....none. I ask her WHY am I pulling around for? She said "cause the other people alway asks people to pull around"..So Brad decides he will make this obese young lady get a little exercise. She did not say how FAR away from the building to pull around to. She came out and MOTIONED for me to pull back up to the DOOR to get my food. I motion for her to bring it to me in case someone wanted to pull into the parking place I would be occupying by pulling up. I have to remember not to go back to this BK until this employee has forgotten about me making her lard ass walk the 40 or 50 feet to where I was to bring me my food. She got to the window of the Yukon as I rolled it down and I commented "damn hot out today huh?" .....she did not see the humor in that statement. I love being a smartass in the face of such laziness...........or anytime for that matter.
I go in a few minutes for my MRI.....does it mess them up if I fall asleep in the tube? Hope not cause I am beat. Anyway play fair and keep this in matter how hard we struggle and strive, we never get out of this world alive. Thanks Hank. :D


Saturday, June 24, 2006

Another poem for the few who read.....

Here is a poem I wrote several years ago. Kinda slow around here so I resort to posting this huh? Worked 12 hours a day all week and possibly next week also....lots of "house money" though. Anyway heres the with a lot of mine I have written I did not title it so lets just call it

Why do I feel empty
with so many people around.
How can I be bored
when so much joy abounds.

Would I feel so alone
If someones time i could share?
If I left this state of mine
Would anyone even care?

Not sure where my path does lead
Even if it leads anywhere
It might just be a circle
And out of it should I flare?

Sometimes I feel like leaving
But how would I start anew
If only I could talk to you
and hug and hold you too.

Wanting to spin off alone
Away from this lil orb
wanting to share your time though
Your thoughts I want to absorb

Please think about me again
Even if the moments are fleeting
I so long to hear your voice now
And that familiar friendly greeting.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Update on my arm

For both of you who read on a regular basis, I visited Dr Schneider again regarding my arm. If anything its been hurting more last week or so. He suggested a couple weeks of physical therapy (wooohooo such fun) I asked him if he did not see a need to do some more tests of any kind.....I suggested an MRI (but I forgot to stay in the Holiday Inn Express the night before so it took me a while to convince him)and he did not seem to think it was neccessary. We talked about it a bit more and after finally making him mad I guess he decided maybe an MRI would be ok. I go next Wednesday for the MRI. Supposed to have started PT today but after working 12 hours and waiting around a few to see the doc I was a bit tired.....I think I will wait till after the MRI to let them start working on the arm. He still would not explain to me why I would have heard the extremely loud pops when I hurt the arm......he seems to think it is just some ligament damage.....which I hope is right....we will see soon I guess.....been fighting this for a month now and the above pic is far from what it looks like now....bicep still will barely move when I flex. Anyway just had to update for the few who read on a regular basis.....oh this is technically not my HNT .....I did that on wednesday afternoon :P


Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Eyes wide open HNT 7

OK first off ...Yes I am posting wayyy early again. Reason is I am working 12 hours a day and have another visit with the orthopedic doctor first thing in the morning after work so it would be late morning before I could post....if I felt like it then....anyway hope you enjoy.

What am I so wide eyed about? Seems a good friend of mine thinks she has no ass.....I seem to always be the type to argue any point that will lead to pictorial after a little bit of arguing...(not much really) she sent me a few pics....I seem to think she has a rather nice about y'all?

This last pic could go a couple of ways....I could go the easy route and say something clever like I am "green with envy" for whover gets to spank that ass.....orrrrrrr... I could be casual lil ole Dr David Banner one minute and then someone does something to hurt my friend and all of a sudden biceps start ripping my shirt sleeves apart....pectorals shredding the chest of the shirt....mild mannered Dr Banner is now becoming the INCREDIBLE HULK......ok or maybe I should go with "green with envy" lol

HHNT to everyone and if you are wondering what HNT is about click the lil box on the sidebar and Osbasso will explain in great detail.


Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Admire the beauty of the rose

Love is a rose
But you better not pick it.
It only grows
When it's on the vine.
Handful of thorns
And you'll know you missed it.
You lose your love
When you say the word MINE.
- - -
Neil Young,
"Love Is A Rose"

Odd how something so seemingly beautiful can hurt you say if you try to call it your own. The rose is one of the most beautiful plants in the world in my opinion. Lovely to view but also providing such an aromatic fragrance like few plants can match. Be careful how you admire the rose though. Those thorns can be quite painful....pick a rose and its life is limited but nurtue the rose in its natural state and no telling how long it will be around. Odd how this relates in some ways to Becca's post yesterday regarding "what if's". What if I had let the rose continue to grow and flourish instead of trying to claim its beauty for my own? How long could I have continued to bask in the beauty? So may decisions as we go through life and each one can lead to so may different equations. Kinda cool the way one TINY MINISCULE change can affect a lifetime full of events. One miscue at the wrong time can change the way one is perceived while one kind word at just the right time can make ones image almost saintly. Its all about the little things right? And also about knowing when to admire the rose from afar and when to cup it in your hand, drawing in the beauty of it with all your senses, yet knowing not to remove it from the vine.....lifegiving vine.


Sunday, June 18, 2006

Belated Happy Fathers day to all the dads out there

I was busy actually celebrating the day with my family (above pic is mom and dad a few years previous.....ok maybe more than a few) so just now blogging....Both my brothers made it in as well as my oldest brothers son and next oldest brothers wife and Russian adoptee son ,Sasha. Had a great visit with everyone and Mallory even drove us home in the Yukon....she is STILL 15 for a few more days though. ;) I will post a few pics from the gathering later in the week as soon as J emails them to me.

My parents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary last year. My grandparents on my dads side were married for 72 years before the passed away. I cannot recall exactly how many years my moms mom and dad were married for but I am pretty sure it was in the 60+ years range. And Brad? So far ZERO lol. Hmmmm seems I am not keeping up my end of the family heritage here. Oh well better to be alone and happy than together and unhappy IMO. And the way things have turned around the past year or so I am VERY VERY happy. I am getting so close to getting my house built on my grandparents land.....I am losing weight and getting into shape.....I have not been this healthy since high school (thanks Adolph Coors for making me think light beer was good for me). I have many good friends to share my life with although some are kinda hit and miss sometimes , I still feel I can call on them in a time of need and get a positive response. ........(((do you hear crickets?))).....(((is this keyboard echoing as I type?)))...... JUST KIDDING!!!! (don't let me down friends)

Anyway vacation ends in just a bit over an hour. Kinda glad to be going back to work but the summer months ahead are the busiest time of the year for us in most cases so possibly looking at some long hours and maybe even 7 day work weeks in the coming months.....all the better to get my house built quicker. And all the better to pay for the KC Chiefs tickets.....oops did I say tickets....anyone want to attend a Chiefs game with me in Arrowhead Stadium in KC?

Anyway hope everyone enjoyed my to the grind...the back breaking work I do.....sweating and working my fingers to the do believe me right? (I drive a forklift but I do sweat lol)


Saturday, June 17, 2006

Confucius says...

According to Wikipedia Confucius was born out of wedlock to a dad of 70 and a mother of 15.....she seemed to like her men a bit older...Anyway we all know some of the more famous Confucius quotes...."Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it"........"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." ......."What the superior man seeks is in himself, what the small man seeks is in others" and the go on and on. Such great words of wisdom indeed.....I played around with my own wisdom and came up with these.

This last one will definitely get printed out and hung somewhere as it reflects so perfectly how I feel towards my daughter. We spent another great afternoon together today visiting with my parents, my brother and his wife and son Sasha who they adopted from Russia back in late February. He is 6 years old and you can tell he is not from NE Texas easily but it is so amazing how quickly kids can pick up on a new language....or anything new for that matter. Anyway he and I bonded quite nicely today too. Its first time I guess I had seen him since March at my aunts funeral. We were not sure how he would react to going to a funeral since the reason he was up for adoption was both parents were killed in a car wreck in Russia. He seemed to handle that well and is adjusting pretty good considering the changes he has been through since moving here. He is an extremely bright kid but also has some anger management issues I am sure will have to be addressed soon. For a kid who has been through so much he is doing awesome. I will try to have some pics of he and I racing our bikes and playing basketball posted here soon. He got a bit mad when I won one of the races. I, unlike some people, believe it is unhealthy to let the kids win all the time lol. They have to know how to lose and accept defeat IMO but then again what do I know huh? ;)

We went by and looked at a nice lil car today also. Mallory had been given a 1995 Tahoe 4wd for her first vehicle.....not a really good first vehicle considering the price of gas now days. I am hoping we can work something out on getting this car for gets almost 4 times the gas mileage as the Tahoe would get most likely. And I know the people who are selling it quite well and went to school with their kids(long ago crush on the daughter the same age as me) Their daughter lives in the small town of Meridan CT. I told her to pass my email addy along to Kim so hopefully I will hear form her soon.....Anyway hoping I can help my daughter get this car....she needs something along this line of car to get around and get some gas mileage.....Lord knows she drives better and should get better gas mileage than her mom....(just kidding B.....Love ya)

I have been studying some landscaping ideas and as I mentioned in a friends comments section one of the things I wanted to incorporate in it is a maze or possibly a labyrinth eventually. Nothing big to start out but something I can always add outwardly to to make bigger at any time. Maybe some hidden benches to enjoy a nice glass of wine while reading some Maya. Possibly a fountain or a gazebo in the center to reward you (and me) for finding the way through the maze. Just an idea since I DO have just under 5 acres to fill up eventually. I am planning to connect each aspect of my landscaping with a path so everything is accesible even if barefoot. Whats the use of being in the country if you cannot go barefoot right? I will have to research more what type of hedges (r possibly even the native cedars)to use in the maze. It won't be as elaborate as some of the mazes in Europe by far but something of an eye catcher for the many small Cessna type planes that fly over the area and an enjoyable experience for friends and family when they come to visit.

Another thing I want to look into when I get the house built is harnessing the wind power that this land is situated so greatly for. Always a nice cooling breeze there. Its not the highest spot around but its not too far from it. Maybe a power making windmill or two and possibly incorporate some solar panels to make even more electricity. Oh so many ideas....they literally jump around in my head all the time awake or asleep. Some I remember...some I forget...all are good at the time.

As our long ago friend Confucius would say ....."By nature,men are nearly alike; by prctice they get to be wide apart" ....I want to distance myself from the average. I want to practice a different way....not follow the easy paths. I want to learn from the past not to repeat it but to take what I like about it and mesh it with what I like about the present and what I want from the future. That is what will make Brad who he is. Not by the things that make me like the things that make others want to be like myself. And each day I strive for this goal....reaching.....some day I will grasp it. I cannot go back and make a new start but I WILL make a new ending.


Friday, June 16, 2006

my 105 things about Brad list

I hate being normal or accused of such so since most people do 100 things in their list...mines going to be will NOT upset the balance of the world as we know it, I promise. Live life on the edge my friend. ;)

Now for tonights top 105 list from the home office in Timbuktre (Its just past Timbuktu)

100 worthless things to know about Stoney
1. BKS is my intials as well as the stock symbol for Barnes and Noble
2. My REAL name is Brad
3. I was Bradley Kyle when I was a kid and causing my mom to pull her hair out.
4. I have lived in and around Paris, TX all my life.
5. I work too much.
6. At work , when not asleep, I drive a forklift
7. I have a daughter who turns 16 years old in '06
8. I have two older brothers (yes geniuses, that makes me the BABY)
9. I like summer more than winter,spring more than summer and autumn is the BEST
10. I eat fast food wayyyyyy too much
11. Its too hard to cook for one person (excuse for eating fast food)
12. I love anything to do with automobiles
13. I am NOT superstitious....holy crap number 13
14. I survived using the number I and sound.......holy crap black cat
15. I like cats but think they should stay OFF my trucks
16. I have a dog.....Doberman named Jasmine or Jazzy for short
17. My brother has a cat he named MOVE cause thats what he is always saying to it. (oops this is about ME I forgot)
18. I sometimes forget
19. Have you ever forgot? Happened to me (Ron White bit there in case you didnt catch it)
20. I like Ron White.
21. I love to make people laugh and if takes having sex with them to do it what?
22. Laughing during sex can lead to some cool orgasms
23. Laughing during sex can also be a showstopper if not done with the right amount of couthness.
24. I love attention but don't like people looking at me (never said I made sense)
25. Only 1/4 done and reaching already....
26. My two fav. female celebs are Angelina Jolie (she chose the wrong Brad) and Stacey Dash (ohh those eyes and that body)
27. I adore a beautiful set of eyes
28. I adore a beautiful set of breasts
29. I adore a not so beautiful set of breasts
30. A nice ass is...well .....nice (and spankable)
31. I think everything over tooo much...I overthink if anything.
32. I am a Virgo....
33. Tony Dorsett,Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Scottie Pippen,
34. In HS I could bench press over 1 1/2 times my weight
35. I was 8th grade Valdictorian and had to give a speech
36. I made sure I did not have to give a speech at high school graduation although I COULD have I am sure.
37. Its not bragging if you can do it.
38. I buy Monster Energy drink by the case ($34 in case you wondered)
39. I write poetry sometimes
40. It usually rhymes
41. I rassled a bear at a club/honkytonk once.
42. I am pretty outspoken as far as my views on criminals, illegals,parents who feed their kids raw deer meat (its in the blog)
43. I don't hunt but DID hit a deer once in a 1992 Camaro
44. That damn deer defecated on my 1992 Camaro
45. I am 5'9 or so and weigh (right now anyway) 220 lbs
46. My birthday is Sept 5th
47. My grandads (papaw to me) birthday was Sept 2. (a few years before mine though)
48. Both my brothers birthdays are in Sept (21 and 22)
49. Our family likes having sex around January obviously
50.Sex is good year round in my opinion (damn just halfway done?)
51. Halfway done in #50 meant with the LIST not SEX
52. I self-diagnose any health related problems I have come up (not many thank GOD)
53. I had a kidney stone last year and thats the first time PHYSICAL PAIN has made me cry since I was a kid.
54. I cry too much.
55. Crying is a great release.
56. My favorite football team is the Kansas City Chiefs.
57. I HATE jerry jones (lowercase letters on purpose) and the dallas cowgirls.
58. Derrick Thomas RIP to you, the GREATEST all around linebacker to EVER play the game
59. I want some homemade ice cream right now (this would work ANYTIME)
60. I cannot swim.
61. I am in the process of trying to get a house built.
62. Dirt poor has a new meaning to me now
63. I spent close to $9000 on dirtwork for my house.
64. All I have now is a dirt pile.
65. I am a good listener
66. I am NOT a good talker but let me behind a keyboard and I can talk your pants off (or try)
67. First year of the Camaro....
68. Second year.....well you get the picture.....I have owned eight Camaro's so far
69.Year I was born,one of fav. positions,best year for a Camaro,da moon landing
70. I have some annoying friends.
71. I have some AWESOME friends I have never met.
72. I have played golf once.
73. I used to play tennis a lot but my friends stopped seeing the humor in my home runs....
74. I love to travel.
75. I will NOT own another red vehicle (unless I buy one to repaint)
76. I can listen to ANY kind of music but prefer country or classic rock
77. I forgot to make mention of being to the 3/4 mark...ever forget? happened to me...
78. I like to aggravate people.
79. I flirt too much.....which sometimes aggravates people
80. Sometimes I flirt when I shouldn't (married huh?....not happy in it?..hmmmm)
81. I daydream/brainstorm a lot.
82. Sometimes its a small storm and sometimes its a full blown F5 tornado with lots of hail and lightning.
83. I love to watch storms roll in, being in the midst of such power is an awe inspiring thing.
84. I love adrenalin.
85. I have driven over 150 mph quite a few times in the past.
86. Once on a Katana with no helmet (bugs at 150ish will bruise you)
87. It was not my motorcycle and I was drunk so it was ok
88. I used to drink and drive a more.
89. I like flowers and will have a large garden and orchard when I get my house done.
90. My fav. fruit is the pear.
91. I love strawberries
92. I have never been married.
93. I was engaged once (technically twice but only bought a ring once lol)
94. I prefer to make love but fucking can be great too
95. I love to kiss her neck from behind, softly cupping her breast and whispering to her what I will do to her luscious body, then slowly turn her to me and slowly undress her , lead her to.....hey wtf are you people looking at this is kinda personal
96. Voyeurs are ya? (me too)
97. I have only been blogging for a short time but I LOVE it
98. I hope I can figure out to post this and not LOSE it and have to retype it.....
99. I am most times my worst critic...and many times my favorite one too.
100. I like to hike....why is it called walking if its in the city limits but go out in the country and you are hiking?
101. I want to visit Greece, Italy, Spain....pretty much anywhere in Europe some day....and some day I WILL
102. Anyone want to go on a real life European vacation? (looks kids, Big Ben, Eiffel Tower...Look kids....well you know the movie)
103. I share too much information and will ot hesitate to give my opinion...asked for or not.
104. Dont believe number 103?.... just ask anyone who knows me.
105. I hate to end this list....might do a 106-211 list some day...

Lazy Friday plans

Did I mention I was on vacation this week? I am almost certain I MIGHT have mentioned it once ......maybe twice. Anyway not a lot going on today other than relaxing. How do I relax? I was thinking of hitting the mountain bike trail by Pat Mayse Lake and doing some hiking. Its only a relaxing 7 or 8 miles long hike. Then out to the land sometime today to water my bermuda grass (which is starting to slowly cover the area I planted finally). This evening I get the opportunity to watch my daughter perform with the Paris Municipal Band at the beautiful Bywaters Park Peristyle .
Asking for a bit of prayer help here. One of the first girlfriends I ever had was Kathy. She was such a cute one.....but she turned to drugs and who knows what else. I have talked to her off and on throughout the years and she and her kids even lived with me for a short time....very 2 or 3 months or so. Anyway Kathy had accepted Jesus as her personal savior and had been doing so well. I still have not gotten all the details yet but last week Kathy tried to take her life. This girl has been through so much and yes most of it she did bring on herself but I still love her as a person and I still see the Kathy I knew so many years ago when we talk sometimes. This other Kathy seems to have moved back in and if you would just mention her in your prayers. She is doing ok right now but definitely ANY prayer or special thoughts or anything of that nature would help her. She is staying with her mom in Amarillo right now.

Please Lord, shine upon this young ladies heart and soul and lead her down the right path. She WANTS to be a willing servant but so many things from her past keep tempting her. Give her strength to fight these temptations just as you gave her strength to fight the ugly cancer cells that tried to take over her body. Just be with her as she needs you so much now. Thanks for all the many blessings you have given to ALL of us and continue to bless us as you see fit. AMEN


Thursday, June 15, 2006

Another Dr appt, a bear, and WWE

I called my orthopedic doctor back this morning and got another appointment setup for next Thursday.....I will MAKE this fellow find out what the problem is this time....and "Strained forearm muscles " will not cut it. My bicep still will not move when I is supposed to doesn't and Brad isnt happy with that. I cannot work out. I still have a bit of trouble rotating my arm. I have been having MORE pain lately. But its JUST a STRAINED forearm muscle. I have not been able to do my upper body workout and not even many lower body workouts since I hurt it...3 weeks ago I guess? Anyway hopefully Dr Schneider will do more than a 4 minute exam this time and find the real problem. If not I might have to treat him like a bear......
Did he say "like a bear"? Yep he sure did. Back many moons ago I used to drink.....a few......a few more than I should.........Ok I would drink to about the 3x legal drunk stage and then drive home....I KNOW I KNOW....and I don't do it anymore.... ANYWAY I used to go to this lil club/honkytonk called Robert Allens. This one Thursday night they had a very small crowd ......and a bear. No charge at all you could rassle this bear.....I like free stuff so I decided I would do it. Hey ..ITS FREE!!!! So i head to the bar and have..I think his name was Albert...make a special drink. My friends decided after a few of these drinks they too would rassle this bear....(good strong,nasty tastin drink it was)....Tequila,Goldschlager, and Tabasco sauce...we called it a Mexican Whore...if I recall Albert called it $6. Now we had already had a case or two of nice cold beer between the three of us before the club/honkytonk even opened.....we were primed. They bring this little ol bear out...he looks so cute with the muzzle and everything and I told the guys "I WILL put that bear in a headlock and give his head a thorough scrubbin" (ten foot tall and bulletproof). The handler told us all you had to do was grab the bear by the neck and he would automatically stand up. As soon as he stood up the fight was on. No kickin,punchin,bitin(he really did not have to worry about this...I heard they DONT taste like chicken). Well I bull rushed this 600+ pound bear and took him down and while trying to get the headlock locked in somehow things got re arranged in my plan. HTF did this bear get behind me!!!.....So I spun.....and swung....and connected with this bears snout....quite accurately too.....although I was aiming for his jaw I think. About the same time this event happened, three mroe things took place in rapid rapidly it was almost simultaneous.The bear got a bit upset (not sure why) ,the handler blew his whistle saying i was disqualified, and I said heck with it and quit. (Beer to drink) Seems the guy who was in line after me to rassle wasn't real happy I had kinda upset this bear....he headed back to the bar to have another drink. Goofy things we do when we are young huh. Would I do it again now? Probably so....would I punch the bear again? I have watched the intellectual programming called WWE enough to know some good moves to use on mister bear.....I know you can pull your sock out of your pants and put it on your hand and grab someones jaw and he will flail about like you pulled a nosehair or something.....even though the jaw is a fairly stout hinge.....ahhhh the fun of rassling bears and learning so many things from WWE. ;)
Hope everyone has had a good week thus far....did I mention I was on VACATION?!?!?!


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

HNT 6 for me and what a day it was

Had an AWESOME visit today with my daughter. My daughter and I have never been really close. She will be 16 next Wednesday. I won't go into the details but I was simply not there for her growing up. Nothing I am proud of for sure....bars, drinking,women,......they all took this precious time away from the relationship I SHOULD have had with my daughter. I cannot change the past so all I will do is simply apologize (and I have) but I CAN and HAVE been doing something about the future. She is such a beautiful young lady (takes after her mother) as a few friends on here have seen. And sooooo much like me in sooooo many ways. Her mom LOVES the smartass mouth she got from me I am sure. Today was by far one of the best days we have had together in MANY years so I am stoked about that. I will be going to hear her sit in with the local municipal band in concert this Friday evening. I am so proud of this young lady. Does it show? lol I am just as proud of myself but wish I had made myself proud sooner for giving up the bars, drinking (for the most part).....women.....welll lets just say I am trying.....NOT trying to give up women but trying to weed them out and find the true flower....the right mix of fragrance and beauty with just enough thorns......are you out there my flower? I know in my heart you are and I will find you. ;)
Went to Lowes(but for a different reason than Chelle ) and walked out about 2+ hours later with SOOOO many brochures and a world of ideas in my head. No I didnt buy anything yet.....still a while off before that happens. But I am sure each and every purchase will get mentioned guys can build the house with me. :D
I told a friend last night (this morning) I was gonna show a certain thing for my HNT today....well things change so quickly and I did not have time to do the editing I WANTED to do but hopefully this will suffice.

Wanna know why we get Half Nekkid on Thursday??...check out my "link" on the sidebar (not a Goodbar but...) and Mr Osbasso will be glad to explain.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Got some more cleanup done on the land today. Took down about half the fence along the front and shredded all the sticker vines, poison oak and dead grass down. Looks so much better now. As soon as we get some rain to loosen the soil up I will get the box blade after that berm along the road ditch and bring it down a foot or so and kinda taper it to where it can be mowed more easily. Shredded a few rounds around the house pad and just generally cleaned stuff up today .....and of course watered the new bermuda grass.....beginning to think the grass could have waited but it will look nice and stop the erosion IF it ever rains again. I will try to get some pics of the front....I think I took some of it months ago before I started......who knows lol.
Unsweetened tea.....why the hell would someone want tea thats not sweet? Is that unamerican or WHAT? Thats all on this subject cause I KNOW I am right. :P
Finally a judge with some common sense. A federal judge, miffed at the inability of opposing attorneys to agree on even the slightest details of a lawsuit, ordered them to settle their latest dispute with a game of "rock, paper, scissors."
The argument was over a location to take the sworn statement of a witness in an insurance lawsuit. In an order signed Tuesday, U.S. District Judge Gregory Presnell scolded both sides and ordered them to meet at a neutral location at 4 p.m. June 30 to play a round of the hand-gesture game often used to settle childhood disputes. If they can't agree on the neutral location, he said, they'll play on the steps of the federal courthouse.
The winner gets to choose the location for the witness statement.

Now why cant we get ALL cases decided this way........maybe thumb wrestle a few cases. Maybe pick the jury with a game of duck, duck, goose? Or how about a game of dodgeball....last ones left are the new jurors. Come on Judiciary branch...liven things up for us.
Funny thing happened on the way to Waco this one be continued.
Hope everyone is having a good week so far......did I mention I was on VACATION all week? I am thinking a nice trip to Lowes for more breathing dust for me....for a few days anyway.

Y'all come back now (ciao was getting overused)

Monday, June 12, 2006

Walking (the line?, Tall?) proud

Not the best pic of Buford Pusser, but then again CAN there be a good pic of Buford Pusser? And definitely the BEST pic of Johnny Cash....hope you tied them in to the title line, otherwise you are scratching your head right now thinking "BKS has lost it".....wait you do that sometimes anyway you say? Show them how we feel Johnny!!!

I walk a lot. I walked 21 miles last week and that was taking one day off....cannot remember why I didn't walk that day....I might have walked and just didn't write it down on my calendar ( I always have to think twice about whether its calendar or calander....) I walked 4.5 miles Sunday evening and 2.5 miles of that was with one of, if not THE most favorite person of mine in the whole wide world. (yes she reads the blog from time to time now and yes I am kissing up) Seriously this person is one of the most considerate and caring people I have ever been around in my life. So many lines have been written and thrown away about this young lady. I have a few of them left but when most of them were written it was basically a temporary release....a vent if you will. I had so much love to give at the time but was afraid to give it for some reason. Such an awesome bundle of energy she was....high school cheerleader, she gave me free food from her job, we stole a car together one night, more free food.....the list of fun and valuable things go on and on. I would love to share some of the funny stories but will have to ask her permission since she checks in from time to time lol. I will share one slightly funny one on my part. The year was 1988 or 1989 (I had just started drinking alcohol a few months before this time) and I had a black 1988 GMC S15 with gray,purple and pink graphics (it was the 80's so shut it) It was lowered somewhat and on the tailgate I had the title of one of my favorite songs and also a motto of sorts...David Lee Roth had a song on his Skyscraper album called "Good Times" but in the song he sang this line: Those were good times,
Damn good times So naturally I HAD to have Damn Good Times plastered on my tailgate. Now none of you other than this person knows my parents. To them DAMN was a BAD curse word. My dad always said "SHHHT" and I being the unquestioning one took this to mean.....well hell I didnt even think about WHAT it meant it was just what you said when something went wrong. I guess it was better if you left the "i" out of it? Anyway I grew up thinking SHHHHT was a word of frustration so imagine my parents surprise when they saw the tailgate and once again Brad has gone off topic...

Now this tailgate lettering was done in HOT PINK letters ......and NO there was NOT a masculinity problem at all....I still love pink and purple long as black is also involved.... So I started dating Ms HotCheerleaderChick when she was still in HS. And she went to a small country church. So needless to say , since I was brought up in a small country church we would naturally go to church together sometime. Well our FIRST visit post "Damn Good Times tailgate" I had completely forgotten about the tailgate until I pulled up.....I had to leave the tailgate down so as not to draw attention to the horns sticking up through my skull....I told Kim at work it was the HALO rubbing the top of my forklift but she says it was the horns....(I should change my name to off-topic) anyway the tailgate was left down while we were at church of course and afterwards if we went it would be in her Pulsar. My horns started showing more after this though and I ran her off....oops those horns hurt sometimes and not just the ones outside them. AnywayI am POSITIVE she would want me to share our ZOO trip story...but that will be tomorrow nights episode....maybe....if she can contain herself and not tell it anonymously.....oh yeah.. she is also still quite should see her jump a snake...
Today I was almost done with my first mile when the cell rings ( and right as I was getting in prime stalking position it alerted them to my presence) was my friend Jen from 25 miles away....only she was 1/2 mile away and was ready to her and her precious "Bug" stop by and walk a mile with me.....(Bug is such a cutie....wish I could share her pic here but Jen might kill me lol)...anyway had a nice conversation with Jen...several here have heard me speak of Jen before and so I do not have to tell you what the topic we walk a mile and they head out to get ice cream ....and I continue on and do my 4 mile total for the day.
My builder stopped by today around noonish and got the house plans and will begin getting my bid drawn up. He said everything looked good on it but we did change TWO things so far....did away with the storage room at front of garage and will replace it with a huge sink for washing hands,boots, other words a sort of mudroom without the "room". The other change was in the guest bathroom, I am going to go with a 10' ceiling and have a 2x3 or so fixed window up high, probably around 8' or so to let some natural light in without having to use drapes or shades. It will be the only window on the west side of the house and I will hopefully have it halfway shaded by an oak tree soon after the house is built.

I am heading out as son as daybreak rolls around to remove the fence along the front and to get that stuff shredded down and hopefully make it more presentable for when Heather the loan officer(or whoever comes out) to appraise the site and plans etc.More grass popping up each day so hopefully I will get a good stand of grass out of it yet. It does not take long for bermuda grass to spread although I will most likely have to do something else in the shaded part.....maybe a rock waterfall along that side with a nice koi pond at the bottom? All in due time right?


Sunday, June 11, 2006

Stolen from Sandi

Hopefully Sandi won't mind me using this on my blog as well...she claims I stole her pic yesterday so I guess the kleptomania is rearing its ugly head once again. And I was thinking I had that beat when I got into pyromania...I guess us manics can multitask also. ;)

create your own visited states map
or check out these Google Hacks.

Is it just me or is blogger still showing its female side?
Was talking with friend of mine last night on the phone and giving her a hard time about this guy she cannot seem to get over even though its obvious he is playing her. He claims to not want to date anyone else but he still talks to new women through his personals ad. He did the all to common "trick" of thanking her for the gift (in this case a t shirt proclamining him worlds greatest dad) that he figured she had left out for him. Turns out she did not leave this shirt for him so now she thinks she needs to step it up a notch thinking she has more competetion.....I have done that "trick" in the past with mixed results lol. I used to NEVER lock my doors at my house and sooo many times I would wake up to the sound of a car cranking up and pulling out of the driveway and walk in to the kitchen and a full breakfast sitting there cooked for me. Now while I was almost 100% certain who would do this for me, I would never give her credit.....I would always pick another female friend and thank her for it (while casually letting this friend know the doors dont get locked)....sometimes it worked....sometimes it didnt.....the times it did were GREAT....the times it didnt were thankfully uneventful (although I used to drink a lot and no telling how many times I came home and passed out on the couch ....or in the chair on the front porch by the door......So glad I dont drink now but also sadly I lock the doors where I live I would not even hear the car crank up and leave and breakfast would be cold by the time I found it anyway lol

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Friends in FL and tropical depressions

So my friends Greg and Brad and their wives left out yesterday afternoon on their motorcycles (Greg=Honda VTX, Brad=Goldwing) for the great state of Florida for 4 days I think it is in beautiful Panama City Beach.And yes this is the best pic I could find of Panama City Beach that captures the beauty of the area. ;)

Being the smartas......errrr jokester that I am, I of course had to point out that June is the beginning of hurricane season ......and of course that I had heard that a tropical depression was forming in the area. Lo and behold looks like there really IS one forming down there now and projected track puts it in the general area of PCB, FL......sorry about that guys but maybe it will veer farther south and won't interrupt your trip. Oh and if you see the ladies in the pic above (or anyone close to resembling them) don't forget about me and give them the address and cell number ;)


I am thinking this might be the TV for me when I get my house started. Sony Bravia 40" LCD HDTV and its pc compatible....can you imagine looking at porn on a 40" screen....I have GOT to get me one of these. I already have the 500 watt Sony receiver and MIGHT be getting the surround sound setup soon also. I am kinda leaning toward Polk Audio cause I love the sound I get in the Yukon from their auto line of speakers.

Looking at my blueprints....

Kent just stopped by with my blueprints for my house. I will try to get someone to scan them next week so I can share but overall its 2270 sq. ft. with 1454' living, 563' garage and 253' of porches. Its technically a three bedroom but one of the rooms is kinda small and will be used for now anyway as my workout room. My master bedroom will be 18'3x15'2 which will be great. I will also have a door from it out onto my back patio area as well as one from the kitchen/dining area. The house will face south with my bedroom on the northeast corner. 15'4x16'6 living area with an entertainment center sunk back into the garage a few feet with floor to ceiling bookcases built in on each side. The entertainment center will appear to be built in also but there will be an access panel in the garage. Everything will be visible from the front but have to be removed from the rear. I have a friend who does sound installs and will be installing a surround sound setup as well as giving me the ability to use the inside stereo to listen to music piped through speakers mounted in the top of the porches. Nothing like listening to some great country music while sitting on the porch . As stated I will TRY to get the blueprints scanned as ONE of you is already asking me about them even as I type lol.

Anyway off to the land to waste some more water on the grass seedlings and sweat out a few lbs ....supposed to be near 100 today and already @ 10 am its 87. I love the heat.....might as well right...either that or stay inside and wheres the fun in that?

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!!


Friday, June 09, 2006

Flames...some burn but some burn eternally

Close your eyes, give me your hand, darling
Do you feel my heart beating, do you understand?
Do you feel the same, am I only dreaming?
Is this burning an eternal flame?
I believe it's meant to be, darling
I watch when you are sleeping, you belong to me
Do you feel the same, am I only dreaming
Or is this burning an eternal flame?
Say my name, sun shines through the rain
A whole life so lonely, and then you come and ease the pain
I don't want to lose this feeling
Say my name, sun shines through the rain
A whole life so lonely, and then you come and ease the pain
I don't want to lose this feeling
Close your eyes and give me your hand
Do you feel my heart beating, do you understand?
Do you feel the same, am I only dreaming
Or is this burning an eternal flame?
Is this burning an eternal flame?
An eternal flame?
Bangles : Eternal Flame
A great song with so much special meaning. Eternal flames go on even if you do not observe them 24/7. The eternal flame at the grave of JFK goes on whether someone is there or 10000 miles away....that flame still burns. So many flames many still flickering. Heres MY eternal flame poem.

Once , so many years ago

I knew this lovely young lady

And how I loved her so.

Awesome, mischeivious smile

And a true heart of gold

No one could compare to her then

But my heart could not be bold

It wasnt for lack of feeling

Surely its not too late

The flame for her still burns

The flame that will not abate

She knows for whom this is written

Although her love is obscured

If only I knew her then, as now

Then lonliness would be cured

No doubt in my mind at all

That this flame burns eternal

As the flame continues to burn

I will note it in my journal.


My (our) daughter will be 16 years old in a short while. She is such a lovely young lady. I am so proud of her. She is playing with the local municpal band in a weekly thing they do at the lovely peristyle at Bywaters park in their oudoor concert season. I am planning on attending the next time she plays....anyone care to join me?

Horoscope fun continued

I posted my Wednesday horoscope the other day and some found it amusing....I am sure a few raised some eyebrows....anyway since blogger was being such a bitch yesterday I could not post my Thursday episode of my horoscope so here it is now...funny how things change so fast lol " You and the party you're feuding with actually have much more in common than you suspect. The issue might be a minor miscommunication that's simply gotten out of control. All the pieces of the puzzle will line up soon. "

Now in contrast to the day before which for those too lazy to click back it was "A friendship you thought you couldn't live without soon reveals itself to be past its expiration date. Try not to let this bother you too much. After all, it's natural to outgrow people or to have them outgrow you. "

Now how am I supposed to make life changing decisons when they keep posting stuff like this? Here I was thinking of friends who might be "outdated" and which ones to cut and the next thing I know this friend and I might have more in common than we thought. What to do, what to do.....anyone wanna call the coin in the air? lol

And to top it off here is Fridays version....remember I am into it for the entertainment value only ;):P

"Concentrate on other people -- their motivations, their fears and their needs are going to affect your life more than you realize, so it's best to get a handle on them early. Try not to make any compromises on what you stand for, but you may need to stretch your boundaries a little bit farther than you're used to. By putting so much energy into how you relate to other people, you will get a lot of positive energy in return. It will definitely be a win-win day."

On a side note I had a busy night at work....wrote about 6 poems, a few song verses and something else....wth was it? I cannot for the life of me recall.....oh yeah I unloaded 4 trucks....I knew there was something semi-work related lol. Tonight is the last night before vacation. Looking forward to the time off but more looking forward to my fall vacation. Still have not made any plans just yet for that but I AM gonna travel to SOME mountains SOMEWHERE and do some hiking and camping for sure.
Got a call this morning from a dear friend who will remain anonymous but just know that this lovely lady could use a prayer for a reason not to be disclosed......just ask God to smile upon this child and He knows exactly who you mean. She is going through a rough time but she is a survivor and I love her very much. One of the most awesome people I have ever had the privilege to be around for sure. Take care B and call if you need ANYTHING!!!
Gonna make it a short one today but look for at least one of the new poems for tomorrows post. I might even come back tonight and post one of them. My poems are very personal and directed but I feel like a lot of people can still enjoy them even though they know not who they are meant for. Anyway off to the land to water grass and trees....should have my blueprints in hand tonight. Will have to see if Kent can get them to scan a copy for me to show off also. Everyone have a great day and if I didnt get around to commenting on your HNT ...blame it on blogger ;)

Ciao (she is gonna start charging me for using that)

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Interesting horoscope..and my EARLY HNT...

First off I am Baptist so horoscopes are merely for amusement and are FAR from ruling or directing my life. Just got a bit of a chuckle when I read todays.

"A friendship you thought you couldn't live without soon reveals itself to be past its expiration date. Try not to let this bother you too much. After all, it's natural to outgrow people or to have them outgrow you. "

Now is this one of you people? Hmmmmm how about someone from work (very possible) many possibilities.

Have a good online friend in Oklahoma celebrating her birthday next Wednesday....I think its her big FOUR-OH. Planning on going over and taking her to dinner and maybe renting a movie or two. Her girls are gone to their dads in Austin for a while. Any movie suggestions? I was thinking maybe Saw or Saw II....good first date movies right? haha

I finally have some grass sprouting forth from the soil that tried to tear my forearm out a few Saturdays ago....about time since the package said I should have to mow sometime within 3-6 weeks....halfway there now. I will hopefully have some "after" pics to show along with the "before" pics soon.

Not a lot else going on....still working 12 hour days the rest of this week. Off work all next week and really no plans other than probably a few days in Oklahoma. I am sure I can find plenty to do on my land. Being ABLE to do these things might be something else entirely. We will have to see how that goes.

I am posting my HNT pic a bit earlier than normal for me since I will be at work until 7 am and then out to my land for an hour or so before coming home to crash before starting the grind all over again. Nothing special this chocolate dreaded shower scene.....just me....My pic editing is not as good as some peoples....lucky I can post one.:D

Monday, June 05, 2006

"Gun" update and my Tuscany Chick(en)

I visited my favorite nurse practitioner this morning about my arm. I had done my normal self-diagnosis and come up with a partial torn bicep. I am not 100% sure yet but thats looking like what it is. She first congratulated me on my weight loss (28 pounds according to the last time they saw me last year). Then asked me what happened,how it happened,does it hurt now, and finally when it happened. I was doing until I got to the "when" question. I told it happened Saturday ....she said "well maybe it has not started to heal back incorrectly being only a few days." this point I informed her it was TWO saturdays ago and proceeded to get hit with my own file folder. (be glad they use paper folders) After that little beating, she proceeded to check out the arm....found some fluid buildup and found my bicep to indeed be out of place a little (ya think?) and called around using her influence (flirting) and got me an appointment to see an orthopedic doctor in the morning at 8:30. I have never had any kind of dealings with ANY doctors other than general practice...oh unless ER doctors count. I have had stitches in my head quite a few times...(be kind with your comments). I was in about 1st grade I guess when me and another classmate decided we were gonna this is common happenings on a playground back then so whats the big deal you say? Well we did it a bit different...we played King of the Hill on the top of the slide on the playground....this was not a good choice in hindsight. The slide had a concrete pad on one side, other side was dirt. My opponent went to the dirt side and of course I went to the concrete side and proceeded to break my fall with my head....concrete did NOT crack as some people stated...but my head did. I seem to recall like 6 stitches in the top of my head from that. There was another time in probably about the 6th grade during basketball practice I was going to actually hustle for once ( I have always been lazy..errrrr I mean thrifty with my energy) and decided to dive for a ball before it went out of bounds. It worked, saved the ball but while being so proud of myself for doing so forgot to place my hands just right on the wooden bleachers and luckily caught a loose nail just an inch or so from my eye....more stitches and got in trouble for bleeding on the gym floor. Luckily Mr Riddles let me run my laps for that event AFTER I got back from the ER. Along about that same time, one of the substitute teachers we had made the mistake of leaving the classroom one afternoon. Now being the biggest in the class always led people to think they had to challenge me. That was cool I loved to prove my superiority over them by a good joust.....or betting them they could not knock me down in the middle of the classroom. Now I have mentioned being a prankster before so when Anthony W. decided to take me up on my challenge in the absence of the sub. , I was going to play "bullfighter " and try to lead him into the wall (let someone else get the stitches for once ). This worked wonderfully.....EXCEPT...AW caught my arm before he hit the wall and in my "OLE" movement I was a bit off my center of someone with a good momentum, having hold of an arm of someone off balance, kinda leads to a slingshot effect...which lead me to this space heater in the (luckily?) I broke my fall into this heater with my forearm. I think they were mostly 2nd degree burns...they remembered me in the ER as the stitches were not even out I dont think at that time. I am sure there have been several other scrapes and cuts I forgot about....(like the time I got my throat and arm cut with a beer bottle) ...(6 or 7 stitches in my throat and about the same in my arm)....note to self...ER nurses and doctors do not like for you to try to help put your own stitches in...they will strap your arms down.

Call me the king of randominity...(yes my word and yes you can use it also)..i can go off on one subject and arrive with a completely new one and have no clue how I ended up where i am. I have found a new love.....Subways Tuscan chicken sub....How can I keep from putting the weight I just lost back on when they do stuff like this? This is awesome. Please try it and tell me I am wrong lol.
Two worlds came so close to colliding today. More on that later...
Weird things from my I saw a man riding a bicycle down my street with a garden hose wrapped around his neck, I saw a car go by with no drivers side door (no not a jeep), I saw a guy with a truck jacked up and changing a tire with a kid under the truck with him (safe there daddy), and I saw a cute girl at the redlight look over trying to be cool with her ciggarette (impossible) and smile, proceed to drop said cig from her mouth into her lap and dance around trying to find it before it set the car on fire.....I love smokers so much. I love to laugh at idiots who smoke when they try to burn their crotches. And this girl would have been such a hottie without the cig...(un)luckily the car did not burn....she did find the butt under her butt and redfaced and embarrassed managed to look back before the light turned green to see me laughing at her. I dont think she saw the humor in it as much as I did. Awwww the joys of humans and their little idiosyncrasies. I wonder if animals laugh at us as much as we laugh at each other. Does God put people like this on earth just to make him chuckle? He is a wonderous God in so many ways and I thank him for not making me so bland as NOT to be able to laugh at MY problems as well as the problems of others. Now wheres my Super Soaker .....that guy on the bike is getting away.

Ciao (borrowed from a friend)

Sunday, June 04, 2006

An inward look at myself

How many of use ever really truly look at ourselves as others might see us? I am not talking about the "wonder if she thinks I look handsome?" or "does she want to jump me right here and make love?" type of questions. I think someone looking at me sees sadness with a outer ring of happiness. In other words too often I put up a "halo" of sorts to make myself APPEAR happy to others. I am not truly happy as I can be though. I am alone. I hate being alone but I try to make it seem like I do not hate it but it shows to the observant eye (and now to the ones who read this blog...both of them). I shared a portion of a Maya Angelou poem with a Gem of a friend this afternoon. Remarkable how some poems hit so close to home. I hope she does not mind me sharing this portion of it with everyone else as well. Its not like the poem cannot be found in its entirety on the
Interweb .
Alone by Maya Angelou

Lying, thinking
Last night
How to find my soul a home
Where water is not thirsty
And bread loaf is not stone
I came up with one thing
And I don't believe I'm wrong
That nobody,But nobody
Can make it out here alone.
Alone, all alone
Nobody, but nobody
Can make it out here alone
Now if you listen closely
I'll tell you what I know
Storm clouds are gathering
The wind is gonna blow
The race of man is suffering
And I can hear the moan,
'Cause nobody,
But nobody
Can make it out here alone.
Alone, all alone
Nobody, but nobody
Can make it out here alone

Such a brilliant woman is she. Now looking back in at myself, I do feel alone but knowing I am so far from being alone in this feeling makes me feel strangely although I am alone, there are so many others like myself who fear being alone yet continue on the path to happiness. Sometimes this path will cross anothers path but every once in a while these paths cross at the exact moment the other person is coming to the intersection too....that, my friend is what I am looking for....the intersection of my path with the one who will make me NOT alone....two paths converging as one....a larger path, filled with even more happiness....real happiness ...and no more "alone". Now who else is on these paths right now? Come lets go for a walk and see if our paths might cross.

Scary what one sees when looking inwardly huh? Even more scary is sharing your vulnerabilities and weaknesses. I am not scared of this at all though for the most part. I am most scared of dying alone.


Friday, June 02, 2006

Practice practice practice

Heres a few vehicles past and present...which are past and which are present???...odd numbered are past even are present....too tough? let me know and I will see if I can help lol ...87 Grand National....95 Chevy....99 Z28....75 Jimmy....94 Z28....96 Yukon....91 B4C Camaro....64 Chevy and yes it snows in Texas

Just practicing some of this high tech html stuff....practice makes perfect...hmmm now lets see if they work....I could so easily fill up a page or 15 with the PAST vehicles...btw 95 Chevy MIGHT be sold very soon...few guys stopped by today inquiring....that would leave me only ONE running vehicle...what forever would I do? ...Oh yeah a house and THEN buy me one of E38 BMW or Another Black Beauty c6 Vette I should have called this section "Some day" haha

Bored and playing in Paris

Updates and a few "thank you's"

First off thanks to all of you who stopped by yesterday (and Wednesday night too) and partook of my HNT offering. Many great comments as well as many great offerings of your own. Don't forget to tell Osbasso how much you enjoy each and every week. He does a great job of organizing this and should be applauded for his efforts.

Secondly I have a "kind of update" on my dung flinging injury from last weekend. I am bad (or good) about self-diagnosing myself. Most of the time I am pretty dead-on if I actually take the time to research properly. After doing some extensive research (maybe 10-15 minutes) I am almost certain I have a strained if not torn bicep. The gun might be broken in other words lol. And yes I am actually laughing about this. I had not lifted weights since a junior in high school at which time I was bench pressing 340 lbs or so, could squat 570 lbs and deadlifted around 410.....I was far from weak in other here I was at the ripe YOUNG age of 36 and starting to lift weights again....had worked back up to working out with 165 lbs on bench press....doing curls with 30# dumbells....getting fit...getting pumped up....and a shovel full of MAYBE 4-5 lbs of manure tears my arm up. How ironic(shitty was first word that came to mind) is that? Anyway I go so my nurse practitioner and friend Kendra monday morning for her observation and will update for sure after that. I am now BACK to not working out again or more specifically doing what little leg exercises do not require holding the barbell ....lunges are killer if you have not done them lately...and just trying to build my core (read as abs) strength up. My goal of being UNDER 220 lbs by my vacation which starts NEXT friday appears to be easily enough attained. I weighed 221 last night so SURELY my lazy butt can lose 2 lbs in a week. Its only will power and when motivated I am overflowing with THAT.

Speaking of overflowing....I caught just a bit of an ABC news program last night relating to foster kids. The subject they were speaking of during the few minutes I watched (I seldom watch TV at all) was this cute maybe 14 year old girl. She had a drughead mom who used to fuck her many boyfriends right in front of her and her siblings.....she brought home a roadkill deer and laid it on the kitchen table and let the kids tear off chunks of raw deer meat and that was her way of providing for her kids..meanwhile she was doing her crack or screwing someone to make money to buy more drugs.....such a lowlife person. This little girl even mentioned her mom would "share" her with her boyfriends that came over. This little girl had to have cockroaches removed from her ears where they had been hatched they had figured. This is SO fucking pathetic that this "parent" let her kids suffer like this. I get so FUCKING pissed when I hear about stuff like this and its one of the main reasons I do NOT watch TV most times....Wanted to call ABC up, get this womans name and address and go there and forcefeed her a healthy helping of Whoopass Stew. Now after the rage subsided...sooo many hours later I realized how lucky so many of us have it. I felt almost sheltered. I WAS sheltered in so many ways. I have some AWESOME parents and cannot even fathom what it must be like to go through what this little angel of a girl has been through in such a short period of time. Please people, say a prayer for all the little ones who are forced to see things like this on a daily basis. Just take a moment to imagine how awful it must be to have a mom who provides rotting deer carcasses to her kids to eat telling HOW many bad things can come from this alone. Please pray for these kids who are too young to help and provide for themselves. This little angel sure touched my heart.

Tommy Gunn also had a moving story on his blog this week and I hope he does not mind me linking you to him. Tommy that story from Korea was such a moving piece. Great job and thanks. The Dichotomy piece was also a good read. So many of us can relate to that as well. I am sure I will be back to this blog in the future.
Stay tuned as next week I will tag myself (noone else wants to) and play 100 things about Stoney (thats me) ...that is IF i can find 100 things to say. Hopefully I can. Off to check out my grass now...bermuda grass that is ;)

BKS aka Stoney

Thursday, June 01, 2006

HNT #4 for me

I could not have written it better myself LL....Ladies Love Cool James in case anyone wondered what LL Cool J actually stood for...or this is one of the FIRST meanings he had for it. Seemed like the appropriate song for a few reasons......interpret as you will. Anyway this completes my chocolate theme for Wednesday and YES I AM posting it on Wednesday before I leave for work.....bite me...wait maybe not good choice of words considering the pic...

Mr Goodbar is the name of the song these lyrics for some reason....

"How you doin?
What's your name?
Uh, mmm, haha
Oh you're his girl?.....

Hello my name is Mr. Goodbar
I came to offer champagne
Later on maybe I'll tell you my real name
But for now sip your drink and be merry
And be a nice girl and sing me a cherry
Me, I'll have a Kahlua and milk
Cause champagne always stains my silk
You got a man? That's somethin we will talk about
He's smart enough to have ya,
but dumb enough to let ya out
I like ya Fendi bag your alligator shoes
Ya hairstyle and ya whole point of view
The way you lick your lips and stare
You tell me that's a habit umm huh yeah
Honey coated legs, with not one scar
The stylish wardrobe is up the par
Here's my number, call me in my car
You deserve a visit from Mr. Goodbar

So how long you been talkin to him?
Word, nah he's cool with me, he's cool with me
Oh he loves you?

Honey open up a bottle of brandy
Better yet have a piece of Cool J candy
And sweat the man with the master disaster
Break ya like plaster-plan and
The cards on the table and the deal is dealt
Uh, I'm in the mood for a tuna melt.
And I can't make you, I sure wouldn't rape you
Feelin kinda mellow and I sure would hate to leave the job half-done (Nah!)
Cause at a time like this you're the one that I'm lookin for,
crawlin on the floor (WOOF!)
I'm comin back for more
If the Mona Lisa's name was Teresa
I'll get a piece-a of the Mona Lisa, then smoke a cigar
You deserve a visit from Mr. Goodbar
Don't be cruel cause you'll be on your own
Its my prerogative and my microphone
Come and get this ice-cream cone
Or I'll deliver it when your daddy ain't home
Grown and healthy that's how I like em
Big juicy legs and a nice pair of kegs
Hmmm, Mr. Good bar style
You haven't met a guy like me in a while
I jump out a cake, dance, play, shake I aint got nobody by Jake
Smooth as Whitester, extra dry Moritz
Done and I'll slip it in your mouth like a Bon-Bon

I'm Mr. Goodbar yeah
So you know next time uh your man is out
Check my (???)Nah, nah he's cool
But my girl? oh I don't know....
your man might be with her
But I'm with you,
yeah Mr. Goodbar baby,
uhMay I say may I say that outfit you got on....
juicy lips so honey coated
Yo he never says that to you
He never gives you compliments
Yo he be givin you flowers baby
And tellin you how much he cares for you
Does he hold you and caress you and give you affection
I didn't think so...
Such awesome lyrics from one of the few class acts IMO of the rap "industry"..

Of course I did not get all the chocolate out of the package and had to do some cleanup afterwards...


Dont know what Half Nekkid Thursday is about....check out the link in the sidebar.....and go ahead and leave a comment and address where the Mr GoodBar needs to show up next.......